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Okay, being "nice" is very hardddddd!

How does Mami pull it off!?

If I get one more encouraging smile or satisfied nod, I'll seriously vomit. AND SO HELP ME IF AYAAN TRIES TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE SITUATION HE SEEMS TO HAVE FIGURED OUT, I WILL SLAP HIM SO HARD...

"Alina, are you feeling well at all" Abba asks and I nod "are you sure, you look flushed" Mami comments and I stare at her for a brief moment before shaking my head. "She's probably suffocated. Yunno, too much good manners for one day" Ayaan retorts, and I glare at him.

"Shut up, I'm fine," I tell him and he raises his arms mockingly. "I do need fresh air tho, excuse me" I stand and rush out the back door without waiting for a response.

I breathe a sigh of relief once the cold night air hits my face softly.

I pull out my phone and then sink onto the soft grass before dailing Anaya.

Babe haffa, what's up

You were wrong

Hold up, I'm never wrong and you know that

Well you were

So what exactly was I wrong about

Being nice is not easy! (Pout)

Once again, hold up. No one said it was gonna be easy. I told you to do it, not that you'd enjoy it

How encouraging

Hey, don't grumble at me!
Is this why you called me, cause you could even be nice to people who deserve it for a whole twenty-four hours

Hey! Don't say it like that

Abeg o, I've got studying to do and you're making me fall behind, you know how I am with my books


Or is there anything else
That's what I thought, good night.

She cut the call. I wonder how I'm even friends with her, ugh!

"Alina! Bedtime!"

"Coming Abba!" I take my sweet time in making my way to my room, what I don't waste time on tho is falling asleep.


"Okay Alina, you're safe, everything is fine, we're all here for you" fingers ran through my hair as I stay smushed to the bosom of the accused. She started this when I offered to drop Ayaan, Fahima, and Noor in school.


She's the accused

Someone, please pry her off me!

Apparently, it's not possible for me to willingly want to drop them off, she said I'm either not feeling well or I'm possessed.

I denied both tho

Do you know what she said next?

She asked if I had tripped and bonked my head on a sledgehammer!

Ya ilahi!

"Mami, I'm fine" I complain but her hold stays as strong as ever. She suddenly starts reciting multiple ayat on me.

What is this woman trying to prove!?

His Child (2) *SLOW UPDATES*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang