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The windshield is first to shatter and we all jolt forward, Ayrah and Khair bearing the brunt of the hit as they get multiple cuts and gashes from the glass in front of them before the airbag expands.

I quickly scramble to the front seat to find them both passed out with lots of bruises and tears spring to my eyes.

This is all my fault.

"Khair, Ayrah? Anaya get your bloody ass over here" I growl as tears stream down my face. Luckily she does as told.

The paramedics appear out of nowhere and help us to get them out of the car and onto a stretcher then zoom off without many questions while another ambulance checks I and Anaya up before taking us to a police car.

"I honestly don't mean to be disrespectful sir, but I just want to be with my friends" I sniff when I get frustrated with the police asking too many questions.

With a sigh he opens the car door and motions for us to get into the car, we do as good and he drives in what I'm assuming is the direction of the hospital the first ambulance went.

Khair's dad is going to kill me!

He trusted me with his daughter and I let this happen.

I'm a terrible friend.

"Which hospital are we going to please?" I ask and the man grunts "city hospital" he grumbles as if I'm supposed to know.

I pull out my phone and dial Khair's father with a sigh. "Hello, Assalamu alaikum dad"

"Wa'alaikum salam Alina, why do you sound worried, what's wrong?" He has always been able to sense trouble from a mile away. "We were in an accident, Khair and another one of our friends have been rushed to the hospital" I'm met with silence on the other end for a while but I know he's still there because I can hear his rapid breathing. "Which hospital?" His voice is full of so many emotions and I don't know which one to hold on to "city hospital" I say softly and he hums "I'll be there soon, take care of yourself" he cuts the call and I let the tears continue to stream down my face.

"I can call Ayrah's parents if you'd like" Ana suggests and I shake my head "she had been staying at my place so it's only right if I call them," I say as I stroll through my contacts.

"Alina dear, how are you?" The sweet and bubbly voice of Ayrahs mum comes through immediately after she picks up the call and I sob. "Ayrah is in the hospital mum, we were in an accident, I'm sorry" I sniff "you were what! Which hospital?" She exclaims and I hear running in the background. "Alina, talk to me!" She yells frustrated "city hospital" she cuts the call immediately after the words roll off my tongue.

"You were right, I'm a terrible friend" I sigh as I wipe my tears, "I never said that," she says but I see right through it "yeah but you thought about it" I grumble and she sighs.

"You're not a terrible friend, you just make stupid decisions in the moment or say things without giving them any actual thought which ends up blowing up in your face. Then you come back and expect us to fix it, and you forget we also have things that need fixing in our lives as well. You forget that we can't always have a solution to your problems when you create them. You're not a terrible friend. You're just selfish (I raise a brow at her there). But thankfully that's easier to rectify".

" I'm sorry I put you through that...this? Ya ilahi, I'm just... Sorry" I sigh while slumping back in my seat, "it's alright"

The car pulls into the hospital and we rush out of the car and into the building, we go down separate halls after being told that Ayrah is in the recovery room while Khair is still in the ICU.

I go to Khair.

Immediately after the doctor finished briefing me about her condition her father charges through the halls frantically searching for a familiar face, specifically, mine.

When he spots me he jogs over and goes straight to the point, "before you tell me what happened, how is she?" He questions and I sigh, "she suffered the brunt of the accident it seems, she has three broken ribs, a twisted ankle, and a gash to the side of the head and is currently in a coma, luckily she's stable but no one is allowed to see her for a while" I explain and he groans "habibty, how could this happen to you" he slumps into a chair and puts his face in his hands.

"Tell me what actually happened" he demands without sparing me a glance and I gulp "Alina! Do not test my patience. Talk!" He snaps and I do just that.

"We were at an ice cream shop, we planned to discuss her wedding but I and Anaya argued so we had to leave or get kicked out, when we were in the car I was pissed so I brought up the topic again and it escalated really quick, Ayrah who is a friend of mine, was driving, she got distracted by us and didn't see the truck. She and Khair were rushed here cause we hit the truck head-on. I'm sorry, this is all my fault, I caused the argument that got us into all of this, I'm sorry"

After explaining the events I was met with silence until the doctor came over and told us that one of us could go in. "Look Alina, I'm not blaming you but this is kind of all your fault so I would appreciate it if you keep your distance from my daughter for a while, I have spent my whole life protecting her and I almost lost her because of you. So please leave. I'll let you know when you can see her" I nod in understanding and wipe away my tears. "Assalam" he doesn't even wait for my reply before heading into the room.

With a heavy heart, I make my way to the recovery room where Ayrah was staying and I met Ana outside. "Her parents are in there" she informs and I nod and make my way into the room.

"Assalamu alaikum" I mumble and they return in, "I am so sorry this happened to her" I go straight to the point, Ayrahs mum doesn't even react, she only stares blankly at her daughter. It's her husband who sighs in response "it's fine" he consoles but even I know he's lying.

"No it's not" mum snaps her head in his direction, before turning to me with fire in her eyes "we left her in your care, and then this happens? It's not okay Alina... Look I'm going to ask of you the same thing I asked of Ana. Leave. Pack her things from your house, when she's discharged we'll come over and pick it up" she then turns back to her daughter without another word.

I swallow back my tears and share a look with dad, "just go home, you've had a long day" he says and I nod. With a heavy heart, I walk out of the room and right past Ana.

She rushes after me with a frown and yanks my arm back when I refuse to answer her multiple calls. "Where are you going?" She asks and I shrug. "Home"

"Home? -I nod- why are you going home right now Alina! Two of your friends are laying unconscious and you just want to go home when-" "they don't want us here Anaya! I'm just giving them space, not that I'm leaving for good. *sigh* you and I both need to rest anyway if not we won't be of much help to them. I suggest you go home as well" I walk away for her and this time she doesn't follow me when I don't answer her calls.

"Alina? What are you doing here?"

Well, I'm doomed...

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