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"I've told you to stop saying things in the moment, it always puts you in a tight spot. Now how on earth are you going to pull this off, I'm dying to hear your great idea" Ayrah raises a brow with her arms folded. "There you go, you don't have any idea. You know Abba's stand, the only way you can convince him is if you get mami to talk to him. And you also know her stand" well, she's not helping.

There is no helping you, you imbecile. Just wait, this whole thing is gonna blow up in your face. I'll be there to say I told-

Oh shut up!

"Help me please" I pout but she only rolls her eyes. "I don't know how I'm supposed to help you honestly. When Ana or Khair come over you can ask them. But as for me? I've got nothing" she then moves away from me to pull out her pajamas and make her way to the bathroom.

Ya ilahi Rahman.


"Nawa o, this girl don mad finish, if I dey talk am una go dey tell me say make I shut up. Now see" I glare at Anaya as she mumbles obviously hurtful words under her breath. "Ayrah, can you tell me what she said please" I rub my palm down my face and she raises a brow, "really?" I nod. She had actually made use of the years we spent together with our Nigerian friend and picked up on her vocabulary hence my reason for asking her.

She stands and folds her arms while I wait rather impatiently, "She basically said you have lost your marbles" she states, well, I'm not surprised.

I turn to Khair who hasn't said anything with an expectant look "you really have to stop pitting your foot in your mouth" was the only thing she said before turning away.

"You literally got on her good side 3 days ago and you're gonna mess it up" Anaya thumps my head in anger and I glare. That was actually quite hard, I rub my forehead to get rid of the soreness.

What a group of friends I've got, they aren't even helping!

How on earth do you expect them to help you? You're lucky they're still here!

And my conscience is also against me, lovely.

I was never on your side dummy.


"You could always try your luck once again" Ayrah shrugs "you're suggesting she ruin her relationship with mami over this. Ha! No, I've given too much advice to watch it be flushed down the toilet barely a month after it worked out. Next plan" Ana raves and I pout, "let's hear her out please" I slap my palms together in a pleading manner and she rolls her eyes.

"Just know that I won't be helping you fix it if it backfires" okay that's a lie but I nod anyway with a broad grin then turn to Aytah expectantly.

"This is a one-time thing, you do it once, and if you fail that's it" I nod and listen closely and she pulls me along to have a seat on my bed with the girls.

"You are going to pull all the tricks, all at once, but there won't be angry or hateful comments, try as much as possible to convince mami to talk to abba even if it's once on your behalf. If she gets angry and snaps at you stop, don't push it, leave with a few words to close, and give her space to think.

You are going to do this once so make it good, if you do it more than once or you don't leave when she tells you or you include hate, you're jeopardizing your relationship with her. I hope you got all that" I puff out a small breath I had been holding and nod in understanding.

This is going to be hard...

Very hard.

"Can we go get ice cream now?" They all nod and scramble up from the bed, "we can take the opportunity to talk about how my wedding is going to be" Khair says and I beam "You're getting married?" Ayrah asks and we all nod.

His Child (2) *SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now