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I am awoken by the dastardly individual shaking my limbs into reality tho I don't succumb to the rude act.

"Alina" what I grumble "you have school", I turn over "and you think I'm unaware of that fact?"

"Alina, get out of that bed or God help me I will call your father" mami's voice rings in my head and I snap my eyes open and squint at her daringly "Zayd!" What was wrong with me!

"Alina!" He booms clearly showing that his annoyance at the morning rays of sunlight that woke him surpassed mine. "Mami!" I whine but she only gives a satisfied smirk at my tantrum.


I sit up glaring at her and with a victorious nod of the head she's out of my room.

I sigh and then proceed to get myself ready for the day.

My phone rings just as I towel dry my hair and I grab it with a confused expression at the unknown caller.

"Hello?" I say lowly and the person lets out a sigh of relief "oh thank God. It's Khairat" she rushed and I nod in recognition "hey, good morning. What's up?" I question "morning, well my car wouldn't start and it's just me and my dad and he's already out of the house so I have no way of getting to the university" "say no more, just text me your address. Just know I'd be a little late, I have errands to run" I tell her

"You're a lifesaver, oh thank you, and ill send you the address now" with a shake of the head at her dramatics I end the call, shortly after her text comes in and I stuff my phone in my pocket.

I grab my hairdryer and finish the work which a towel couldn't, I then throw on my kimono and grab my veil and bag.

"Woah, where are you off to like a mad person on steroids, id hardly say you're ready, yet you're stomping around in a haste. Come here" Mami says and I make my way to her "morning" I greet upon reaching her and she beams before proceeding to tie my hijab.

"Again, why are you in a rush?" She questions "well my friend wants me to give her a lift and then id have to drop off the kids so yeah..."

"No, have your breakfast, I'll drop them off so you'll have enough time," she says and I beam at her.

I quickly eat my breakfast and make my way to the door "wait! You haven't greeted your Ammi and Abba!" Blast! With a sigh I make my way to their individual rooms, Abba first and Ammi next.

"Have a safe trip mother" I say finally before closing her door and walking out "she's not dropping us off is she" I hear Ayaans voice in the distance "thankfully I am not. Now bye. Bye Mami" I wave as I rush out the door.

I settle in my car and make my way to Khairat's location.

"Oh my Allah, you're a darling" she exclaimed upon entering the car. I guess she had been standing outside the whole time.

Soon enough I get us to school and drop her off in front of her building, she's studying business administration, lovely, we only have two classes together.

I then make my way to my boring class, with my boring lecturer and boring classmates. This is probably the most boring course I'll take.

Oh well

Let's get this over with.


"Finally!" I yell my final lecturer for the day goes into his back office signifying the end of class.

My classmates all turn to stare at me resulting in me becoming a tomato in the face.

I give a nervous chuckle before gathering my things and rushing out the door.

When are you done with class?

In an hour or less, I'll let you know

With a sigh I turn off my phone and get in my car, I guess I can pick up Zayn while I wait.

The drive to Zayn's school and back killed more than half the time so I just make my way to Khairat's building.

As I pick up my phone to text her she comes through the doors and I look in surprise as she makes her way to my car.

"How?" I ask when she finally settles. "I just have a sweetheart for a lecturer" it's Friday, meaning I don't have a chance of meeting any new lecturers, and the ones I have surely aren't sweethearts.

"He's old, and the sweetest man on the planet, all we had..." She goes on and on and on.

"Can we go now" I whine, clearly tired of her mini gloat. "Oh sorry, we can... Aww, who's this cutie?" So she finally noticed the toddler on my lap.

"This is Zayn" I introduce, "awn. He's so precious, he's your brother?"

"Step brother" I correct and she raises a brow but she doesn't address it.

"We can go," she says after she's done cooing at the sleeping child.

"As you wish" I start the car and make my way out of the school premises.

"How are you doing that?" Khairat questions and raise a brow. "And what exactly am I doing" confusion plainly evident in my features.

"Driving with one hand," she says. "Well, I just do it" I answer her. "But how, I for one can't take my hand off the wheel for anything without freaking out" I look at her for a split second.

"Why would you even... It takes zero effort!. Look" I take both hands-off. "Hey!" She yells as I do it multiple times. "Please. If you wanna die, do it while I'm not in the car why don't ya. Ya ilahi!" She exclaims.

"Fine fine" I chuckle. 

"Who taught you that?" She questions and I shrug "my step mum. And that's not all she taught me" I inform and she raises a brow while I nod. "I can also drive freakishly fast, but well, a child is on my lap"

"She seems wonderful" I spare her a glance "she is"

"My dad doesn't like that I learn such from her tho" his being a doctor makes him super safety conscious. He sees a lot of tragedies every day and can't imagine one of us in such a situation.

"Why not?" She inquires "he just safety conscious" she nods in understanding, and soon enough I'm parked in front of her house.

"Would you like to come in?" She offers.

Just as I open my mouth to reply my phone rings, Mami's face is displayed on the screen and I sigh. "I'd have to decline Khairat, maybe some other time"

"Call me Khair"

"Khair" I affirm and she beams "and of course, there'd be a next time. InshaAllah," she says with such confidence in her voice. "Bye"

"Bye. Best friend in the making" she yells as she crosses her front lawn. Such a weird individual she is.

My phone rings yet again and my attention goes back to it.



I hastily pick up the call.

"Alina, we can't find Zayn, we can't find my baby!" She exclaims and I suck in a breath, I guess I should've told her id be picking him up. "The driver called, he said he looked everywhere and asked the teachers but..."

"He's with me mami"

"Excuse me?" Confusion clear as day is heard in her voice. I clear my throat and repeat myself

"Come home. This instant!"

The line goes dead and I heave a deep breath then start the car.

His Child (2) *SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now