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I fumble for words to tell her. It was a ridiculous attempt honestly, it consisted of multiple stuttering and tongue biting. After a while, I let out a defeated sigh and rub my hand down my face. "Sorry" that's what I settled for.

Really!? And you admit that!

Oh shut up!

Fahima gulps before composing herself and looking right at me. "Do you have any intention of answering me " she questions and I shrug.

"Honestly, it does get tiring" it took a lot to actually admit that. "Then why do you keep it up?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I was getting interviewed" I shoot and she glares. At me. Fahima. My usually calm and collected little sister. Glaring. That too, at me. And damn what an intimidating glare it is.

"I demand to know why you treat my mother poorly when she has only ever been nice to you" she states and I raise a brow. Well...

"How would you like it if I did that you your mum. Or... Ayaan, he suits that better. How would you like it if he treated Khausar ma the way you treat mami"

"Easy, I would beat his ass"

"And how do you think I feel. Or Ayaan, or even Noor. Nothing would make us happier than to do just that but... Ugh. Just tell me why" well how lovely to find out your step-siblings want nothing more than to beat you to a pulp.

I do not blame them

Then why do you do what you do?

That question, I surprisingly couldn't find the answer to

"I don't know why" was my meek response. She stares at me for a good minute before going back to her tablet without saying another word to me.

She managed to leave me with my thoughts jumbled tho.

A single question still danced in my head. That was clear as day.



Soon, the other four return and pile into the car. They managed to soak up the tense and uncomfortable silence like a sponge and I was grateful for that.

"Soooo...What did the doctor say" I inquire and abba grumbles "he said to put ice on it" was Miami's reply and I grin "you said..."


"Yes abba" I tease

"Please keep it to yourself"

I chuckle at that.

I should've gone to med school, honestly

I do as told tho and keep my thoughts to myself.

"Abba, could you drop me off first" Fahima requested and I see him bob his head "sure sweetie".

So now she wants to get away from me quickly.

Don't flatter yourself

Oh yeah, then what other reason would she have


Ha! That's what I thought.

The ride was relatively silent, which is quite surprising seeing as Ayaan is in the car along with us.

"Ayaan" I call and he spares me a glance then types away on his tablet before showing it to me

'Don't talk to me' I mumbled

"What, why?" I question the confusion written all over my face. He types again before showing me the screen

"Fahima told me what you... Okay this is ridiculous, you can't just not talk to me cause of it" I tell him and he squints

'Watch me' was what he typed before he completely ignored me.

"Abba, could you drop me off at Khairat's please," I ask instead of arguing with the child beside me. "Why?" Mami asks and I shrug.

"I didn't know I needed a reason to visit my friends" I state and almost immediately I feel two sets of eyes boring into the side of my head. "You're not going," she says and my jaw drops.

"You know...well...I didn't ask you so there. Abba?"

He doesn't even reply.

What is it with these people being out to get me today!

What on earth did they plan.

I take a deep breath and sink into my seat then pull my phone in front of my face.


"You all should get out of my room! I don't know what you all planned against me today, but damn me to hell if I am not sick and tired of it. Just let me be!"


So I finally snapped

Mami stared at me with deep concern etched in her features. Ayaan gives me a poker face, abba just seems irritated by my outbursts and Fahima leaves when I say so.

They had been giving me little jabs all through the day which I am pretty sure we're meant to annoy me.

"I said leave" I feel heat rise to my face in anger but they stand unmoving. "Ayaan, honey, please go look after your siblings" Mami ushers him away, and with a lasting look in my direction he left.

"I said...!" "I am saying stop yelling!" Abba boomed and I took a step back. "Don't yell at her Zayd" Mami hisses but he only redirects his glare to her.

"She's your child, don't raise your voice," she says again "I have 5 other children, what is so special about her!"



"Zayd!" He storms out without sparing me a glance.

"Zayd!" Mami yells again but it yields no result.

She sighs then rubs her hand down her face before turning to face me. "You see how your children have overshadowed me hm" I mumble and she shakes her head "what is so special about her, he said" I stare aimlessly at the point he stood before storming out.

"I am his first child! That is what's so special!" I yell finally meeting her eyes to watch the tears brim

"I use to be his princess, the only one on his mind. Then you came along -I point an accusatory finger at her- you took it all away, you and the five brats you gave birth to! And what did I get in the long run? Nothing. I got nothing!"

She is rapidly shaking her head by now as she let the tears flow. "That's not true" she mumbles

"You know it is"


"It is you just-"


"Just leave" she stares at me unmoving and I raise a brow "follow your husband, go to your children and leave me alone for once"

"You're also my child, I have just as much responsibility towards-"

"For once, just leave when I tell you to, God! Just get out. I am not in the mood, just leave, get out, let me be!" And she does, she makes her way slowly but she grants my request.

I move forward and slam the door behind her then lock it. Taking a deep breath I head to the bathroom for a well-deserved bath.

'Why is she special'

The words kept ringing in my brain, taunting me.

Yes, my lovesss, the chapter is ok like that, ehe, so y'all can swipe, to the next chapter 😌✊🏾✨

But wait o

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(Gave y'all a little taste of Nigeria there😉. Toodles)

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