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"Assalam" I greet and they snap their heads to me "Lina, I was wondering when you'd come see me" I give her parents a look and they usher me in with theirs. I know it's not cause they want me near her but they just want her to be happy.

"where have you been, I was..."  "Forget that, tell me how you're doing" I cut her off and she pouts in annoyance, I can only imagine the number of times she has been asked that." honestly, I'm fine. I was just knocked out, that's it" I give her a pointed look and she rolls her eyes, "maybe got a couple of bruises but I'm good... Chill" she grumbles and I sigh.

"I'm sorry this happened to you" She reaches out to me and I take her hand in mine, "I can't say this wasn't your fault, but I'm fine and I hold no grudge. We're all alive and we'll get better so don't worry yourself" I grimly nod and she gives me a small smile.

"Can I take that walk now?" her parents share a look at her question and then check her IV fluid before giving a slow nod then helping her up. "come on Lina, we'll be fine" she assures her parents before latching onto my arm and moving out of the room.

"I'm sure you know your parents don't want me around you yeah? , that too alone" she rolls her eyes "Well they're going to have to deal with it till I go back to Korea" she says as we move, "where do you plan on going exactly"

"well, about time you asked, I want to go to Khair's room" funny how she also wanted to come see her before I left. With a nod, I lead the way.


Everything has fallen into place, Alhamdulillah.

Both Khair and Aryah and discharged tho their both being watched closely which is needed since they're still healing. We are allowed to communicate thankfully tho neither of them is allowed out of the house.

I lay in my bed and heaved a sigh, well, I'm bored. I have completely neglected my school activities and we're in the middle of the semester. Abba blatantly refused when I said I'd just defer the semester and said I should just do my best to catch up. Khair on the other hand was given the privilege since she has a valid reason.

I don't even know where to start.

I don't have any other friends in school except for her so I don't know what goes on in school if she isn't aware.

This is why you socialize I guess.

Ya ilahi

"You are supposed to be ready for school Alina" Mami comments as she makes her way into my room.


It's Monday

"Mami! I don't want to" I whine "and I'm sure you also don't want to fail, so I suggest you stand up and go to the university, ask around, and figure yourself out" I playfully glare at her "I am going to poke your eyes out child" I throw a mini tantrum before getting up and stomping into my closet.

I then pick out a purple open abaya and white jeans and change into it. "can you drop me off?" I ask Mami after I'm out seeing as she's made herself comfortable on my sofa. "sure baby" she walks up to me and helps me wrap my hijab. "come and eat first" she says then walks out. After a few seconds, I follow behind her with my phone and school bag in hand.

She has been extra sweet since the accident, like, she's normally nice but recently she's been giving me a lot to think about with her actions.

I zone out a lot and anytime I'm alone she's on my mind


I know

Some people will think you're actually going to have a bit of sense after this.

How does a person get rid of a pesky conscience, please!

I'm supposed to be the one asking how to get rid of you!

Oh shut up already!


I have my breakfast in peace, no one pesters me, the kids have already gone to school, abba to work, and it seems mami was about to head out as well but decided to wait for me.

I follow her out the house and into her car so she can drive me to the university. "So... Why didn't you want to drive yourself?" I had thought she missed that part honestly.

"You're lucky I even got in the car, I would've preferred walking," I tell her "So you'd walk from basically the middle of nowhere which is one side of town to the other side of town?"  she stated and I nod. "don't be dumb Alina, it doesn't suit you" I only gape at her.

"you do know you're going to have to keep driving right? one, I won't be able to take you everywhere, like today, you're coming home on your own" My neck snaps to her "Well what did you expect, I'm not your diver and I only get one break a day at work" she tells me "that's not fair" I pout and she sighs.

"fine, I'll tell Zayd to send you his driver-" "Yes!", "But! You are driving yourself tomorrow, either that or you pay for a taxi-" "Oh come on!"

"That's final, you can't continue to hide from the world just cause of one incident Alina" I glare at her briefly "Well you got me out of the house so I have already failed that mission" I grumble.

"Which direction am I headed?" she asks when she drives into the campus. "I thought you went here?" 

"well yes, partially, I started here, and I then transferred to Scottland in my second year. Where do you think I net your father" huh... Interesting. I probe her for more answers whilst giving her directions to my building.

"he came for a seminar I think, it was for the school's med students, I happened to be getting late for a lecture and took a shortcut through the hall they were having the program in and he spotted me. The creep skipped half the seminar following me about, and I nearly missed my lecture cause of him. I was in my final year at the time" a broad smile on her face as she told the story as if it had happened yesterday.

"That's the building I'm headed to" I point and she parks the car beside it. "well then, good luck. Also, text your dad when you're almost done so he can send the driver" I nod at her and then open the door "Bye" we both say as I walk away.


Where do I start...

Hey y'all

I know it's short, but I had to just drop something,  I do hope it was good tho, im on break from school now so I want to try and round the book up, that's right,  it's drawing to a close and I hope I meet your expectations at the end...


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