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I park the car and drop with Zayn.

"Assalam" I greet upon entering the house. "oh my baby" Mami rushes to take zayn from my arms and showers him with kisses.

"what about me" I pout but she only glares at me "fine" I grumble and head to my room

"Hello, my beloved niece" aunt Ihsan screeches into the phone "step...ugh. Evening Aunt" I ditch the idea of correcting her on the step thing, she's my stepmom's step-sister so explaining it to her would be a waste of time

"I need you here," she says and I raise a brow, "I think you should have called Mami, not me" I state "I'm aware of that Alina when I called her she was not really concentrating on what I was saying" she explains and I immediately get the gist. "why do you need me" I inquire and she huffs "I need a baby sitter, I'm super occupied at work and Mariah and Abbas running around me at the office is not helping, Jamal is also useless".

"and how do I fit into all of that"

"don't you dare, Alina" she never was one to take all my rubbish and hissy fits "fine aunt" I sigh and she mumbles 'yes yes yes' in repetition. "I'll be there in 10, Allah hafiz"

"Allah hafiz" she cuts the call and I sigh

I grab my car keys yet again and head out. "and where might you be going?" Mami asks.

"your step sister requested I babysit and since you weren't calm enough to process what she said when she called you. She called me directly" I sas and she squints "mind your attitude Alina" Abba warns and I groan "fine. Sorry. Can I go now".

"take noor, zayn, and Salma along with you" mum compromises even if there's no need to "but mum"

"Take them with you and stop being a child, you're babysitting 2 kids, what's three more," Abba says yet again preventing me from having my way. I sigh.

Mami stands with a smug smile in my direction and I grab my bag choosing to completely ignore her. "Noor, Salma! " I yell since Zayn is already down here getting smothered by his mother.

"I'm coming!" I hear the door's feet pit-pat on the tiled floor as she ran along with Salma in tow.

"stop that" I order and they come to a halt in front of me. I sweep up Salma and grab Zayn's hand while noor follows behind.

I strap them in then proceed to get into the driver's seat and start our short journey to our beloved Aunt.


"Assalam Alaikum! " we greet and hug it out "I see you brought company," she notices and I nod "I brought more work. Yes"

"your house keys," I ask and she nods and puts them in my hand after smothering my step-siblings.

"so once you get them home, bathe them and make sure they are in clean clothes, there is some food in the fridge, and by food, i mean pie and some apple juice. You can order takeout if you like, there's some money in one of the cabinets in the kitchen, in a jar. Let them watch TV and that's it, I won't be too late" she explains and I bob my head

"Mariah, Abbas" she calls, and they rush over. "grab your things and follow her, ill be home soon, yeah" she explains to them and they nod swiftly "Allah hafiz my loves" she kisses their heads along with my step-siblings and gives me a quick hug before sending us off.

I lead them all back to the car with Aunt Ihsan's house keys in my hand. the drive to her place was a bit far from the office but I made it in record time.

"ok, y'all should go get out clothes to wear so dressing you won't be a hassle, no clown costumes, now the rest of you should sit still while i whip up something to eat real quick" I order and head to the kitchen to check what she supposedly had in the fridge.

I pull open the fridge and take out the pie. it wouldn't even go round so I guess I'm ordering for myself. I grab my phone and order pizza, they opened up not too long ago and so far I love every box I get from them.

I dress and feed the kids then put on the TV and force them to watch which in no time makes them fall asleep.


This wasn't such a bad idea.

I put my feet up and proceed to scroll through my phone for a great amount of time while stuffing my face with the pizza that arrived not long ago.

I am jerked awake by my phone being tugged from my hold. "Don't you dare" I grumble and she puts her hands up. When did I even fall asleep?

"How did you get in?" I ask and she raised a brow "through the door" she states and I give her a look "it was locked"

"I had a key"

"Your key was with me"

"Didn't say it was mine" I squint at her and she shrugs. "I see the kids are asleep, did not expect that" she points out and I motion to the tv. "How boring, I don't blame them. Or you"

"What, it's thrilling" I mumble and she shakes her head and then fakes a yawn to prove her point whilst I roll my eyes. It is national geographic. Nature. Animals. Just fantastic. And I'm not being sarcastic.

"Can we sleep over here?" I grumble, obviously lazy to drive back home

"This is a two-bedroom flat" she states and I blink at her "so?"

"There isn't enough room"

"I'm good here," I say in reference to her comfy sofa. "And the kids?" She asks and I groan while childishly rolling down the sofa and onto the floor. "You've made your point" I sigh and she nods satisfied.

"Don't worry, when we get a bigger place, you'd be more than welcome" she says and I squint "what's keeping you"

She has her money, this is a place she could afford and run off her pay, and uncle Jamal-her husband-is loaded, not as much as my Abba but still. So I don't get why they refuse to get their own place.

"We don't need a big place," she says simple and I squint "at least get a four-bedroom flat" I suggest and she pauses for a bit

"We'll see. Now get off my floor and leave before I have my angry sister on the line screaming bloody murder" she says and I lightly laugh.

"You're not moving. I'm serious. It's not funny. She'd lose her mind if you don't get back soon. Stop laughing" she exclaims as my laughter grows.

"How are you so comfortable with referring to Mami as your sister and not step?" I ask after I've regained composure.

"Alison and her siblings have been great people to me and my brothers, even though some of my brothers weren't particularly the nicest people to be around. She has been a role model to me, I went to the same schools as her except for university, I studied the same course as her, and work in the same office. We did everything together and she made sure we wouldn't be able to tell where the borderline between us being just sisters or step-siblings stood. She kept that up between us and the rest of our siblings, we see each of like one big family"

"She's been trying to build such a relationship between you two but you're not cooperative. She needs a chance that you're not willing to give. She wants you to see her as your mother and her children as your siblings. She's capable of going to any lengths, but she has to be met halfway for it to work" I consider what she says for a while. She does deserve a chance, doesn't she?

His Child (2) *SLOW UPDATES*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin