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I make camp in front of Mami's door after she turned in for the night. Yeah. I am laying an ambush just as Khairat suggested.

The hours go by and I take a brief break to make wudu and return to my spot, face the qibla and pray. I lay back down reading the Qur'an on my phone app in hushed tones. Before I realize it the sun is up and the door is being pushed open by none other than Mami herself.

"Alina, what are you doing here?" She questions and I blink at her. She spoke to me, I half expected her to ignore my presence and walk right past me but I guess she was shocked.

"I slept here," I tell her and she frowns, "why would you do that" she folds her arms and I shrug "we need to talk" her facial expression turns neutral "I've said all I have to say, just don't try this again" she then begins to walk away so I quickly scramble to my feet.

"You might have said all you have to but I haven't, please just hear me out. I'm sorry" she pauses at my words but then continues on her way.

"The days have been terrible without you and the kids. Over the years you all have become an important aspect of my life and I can't just stand by and watch you slip away. I'm sorry for everything and I am willing to meet you halfway. If the offer is still up that is. I really miss you Mami" she turned around and looked into my eyes for a moment before sighing and pulling me into a hug.

"I've missed you too baby" she mumbles as I hug her back.


"So what now?" I ask after our little episode. "You have school so go get ready while I make breakfast" I nod my head and gather my sleep items before heading to my room.

I make myself presentable before making my way to the kitchen to help out. "The kids aren't up yet?" I ask and she shakes her head "they don't need to be up by now, let them rest" she says.

"How long did you plan on keeping this up?" She glances at me before carrying on with her work "till you get married and leave" she states and I pause. "You don't mean that" I study her posture and facial expression. None of them falter and I gulp.

Oh yes, she does sweetheart.

"I am glad I dodged that bullet" I grumble and she gives a small smile then hands me a bowl of salad and points to the row of lunch boxes.

"You came here to help out so... Help out" she states and starts serving the salads into the boxes while she focuses on making breakfast.

When I'm done she points to a pot and I raise a brow "coconut rice. I started it immediately I got in" I nod and start serving.

"No! On top of the salad. Move" she takes the spoon and sets a whole box for me to see. "Salad under, then the rice, then spread on the mayo, and then drop in a little bit of baked bean on top and sprinkle a tad bit of salt and pepper, then you're done"

I nod at her and repeat the process for each box.

"Good" I smile triumphantly at my work and pat myself on the back. Never thought working in the same space as mami would be so nice. Usually, if we try to work together we butt heads but today was successful.

"Go check on your abba, he has surgery early this morning. After that, Wake the kids up, it's going to take a lifetime for them to get ready" she instructs and I do as told

Who would've thought? Alina Zayd Khalid doing as told without any drama

Enough with the sas

Ahh, tears of joy

Shut up!

"Abba" I knock on the door and he grumbles a come in. "You're up early" he notes and I nod making my way to the bed "I haven't changed the sheets yet, don't" he stops me and I frown in confusion before realization smacks me in the face.

"How did I not hear you? Yuck yuck yuck. Thank God I didn't hear you, YUCK!" He only chuckles at my expense. "Why would you hear us?"

"I slept by your door" I inform and his eyes widen "you what!"


"Thankfully the door is thick and you are a heavy sleeper" I squint at him and he shrugs. "So tell me why you slept by our door" he questions and I grin "ambush," I tell him and he rolls his eyes "so..." He urges and I pout "you're no fun. Anyway, long story short, it's not even that long but still tho..." "Alina"

"I and mami are on good terms now," I say and he beams "really?" I nod excitedly and he comes over to engulf me in a hug "I'm proud of you baby" I hug him back.

"Mami says you have an early surgery" I mumble after a while and he pulls back with his eyes wide. "Shit" he then grabs his jacket and sprints out the door. I quickly grab his phone and run after him. "Abba, your phone" I yell and he turns "thank you baby" he kisses my head and picks up his coffee flask and a small pack of food Mami put together for him. "Good luck!" We yell just as the door slams shut.

I make my way back down the hall to get the kids up.

Ayaan and Fahima are already up and getting ready so I just make my way to Noor's room. "Go away!" She whines as I pull her out of bed and carry her to the bathroom. "If you don't bathe yourself I will" I warn after I've set her on the tiles. I then wet my hands and rub them down her face to wash off the sleep which ails her.

With a pout, she proceeds to do as told so I leave her and lay out her uniform then make my way to Zayn.

I pick him up and just proceed to bathe and dress him, even when I'm done he's still groggy so I pick him up and take his backpack along to the dining area. I sit him down and lightly tap his cheeks "come on Zayn, stay with me sweetie" he pouts and I smile "come on, have breakfast and when you get back from school ill buy you ice cream" I then wave the pancakes in front of him and start to feed him.

When I'm done he's fully awake so mami piles them all in the car and drives off to drop them off. With a sigh, I eat my breakfast and get ready to leave as well.


"Hello, family!" I yell as I come into the house. "Never again!" Mami yells and I grumble "Assalamu alaikum then," I say and they happily reply.

"You didn't go to work?" I ask Mami and she shrugs "I worked over the weekend, where did you think I went" I shake my head and take a seat, "well I'm glad. I am hungry. Lunch?" I ask and she nods "I was just about to go get Zayn, he went to your grandmother's house after school. You can fix up the meal you dished for the kids. The materials are in the fridge, just slap it all in the microwave when you've made it" she instructs and I nod.  "Oh and watch Salma, please. The other people in the house are supposedly too tired" she rolls her eyes and I give her a thumbs up.

I make my food before getting Salma from her playpen and making myself comfortable on the couch.

"Well well well"

You really have terrible timing!

Assalam lovely people. This is not to tell you I'm back butttt it's to tell y'all that i'm still here, so have faith in me. Toodles✌✨

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