Chapter Seventeen

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Tw more self harm later

"Shut up Taurtis." Pearl and Xelqua said in unison as they glided through the sky.

"And you guys always say I'm the idiot." The Watcher said between laughs. "'Oh yes I'm Grian, don't blame the hacker for what the hacker did everyone.'"

"Shut up." The blond retorted, turning and barging into him midair.

"It's true though, you're such idiots. Did you lose your braincells when you turned to your human form because I seem to be the only one with any."

"As if you have a braincell." Xelqua said skeptically. Taurtis pouted in mock offense but continued laughing.


After lots of communication and considering various spawns, Xisuma had made a suitable server for season nine. It was set up in the 1.18 update, which worked out quite well. He just hoped that the hermits would like it. It also hadn't taken him too long, which was a bonus. Normally, it took him about a month to set up a new server because normally he did it as a side project while he finished things up. This time, he'd sat down and focussed, he hadn't left his house the entire time, only leaving his office to get food, and it had only taken five days.

Hermitcraft season eight had about two and a bit weeks left. That felt wrong to think.

He sighed and sat back in his chair, typing a message into his communicator.

<Xisuma> hermitcraft season 9 is all set up and ready to go. We'll move at the latest possible date, so in about a couple of weeks.

He wanted to stay on the season eight server for as long as possible to give everyone a chance to finish their bases and come to terms with their early departure. He noticed that it was nighttime and got up, daring to venture outside to see how much it had worsened.

A lot.

He found himself staring wide eyed at the spectacle in front of him. He was an atom to the universe in front of its bright light. Night was barely night anymore; the moon emitted so much silvery light that it felt like early evening when the sun was still lingering. But no, it was one a.m..

Something moved. His eyes flicked away and he looked in the direction, but nothing was there. A few seconds passed. More than a few. He was beginning to question himself when...

Did a block just fly?!

Five days of isolation with very little sleep had really had an effect on him, hadn't it?


"It just keeps getting bigger." The moustached man said as they looked up.

"Yes Mumbo that's kind of what's been happening for the last two weeks." Grian retorted sarcastically. The said man looked at him with feigned offense.

"You know what I mean though, every night I think it can't get much bigger and then the next night it does. Like, I think 'oh not long now, it must be nearly here' but then it isn't nearly here. How much bigger is it going to get before it destroys us?" Mumbo said. Grian turned from his telescope.

"Since when did you care about the physics of this all? I thought you just wanted to worship the moon and hope for the best." He replied. If they hadn't have known it was Xavon, maybe he'd have thought that the new Watcher was Mumbo; the main thing they were looking out for was abnormal behaviour, and Mumbo had been displaying a fair amount of abnormal behaviour this season. The man had literally tried to eat a part of his soul because he'd been turned into a pig after being a golden carrot after being some sort of potato superman/batman rip-off.

A Blessing and a Curse || A Hermitcraft/Watcher AUWhere stories live. Discover now