Chapter Five

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Xavon walked into his main base and went to the staircase. As he climbed the stairs, his limbs became tired. His eyes fell heavy, and by the time he'd reached his bedroom it felt like a dream was trying to pull him down. He took off his helmet, before collapsing onto his bed and falling unconscious before he even landed on the mattress.

And then he stood surrounded by darkness. He looked around at the thick but thin pitch black, taken aback by just how dark it was. Darker than any darkness he could ever imagine, so dark that he questioned if light could even be real in the same universe. But it wasn't totally dark. Purple, star-like spheres of light were scattered throughout the infinite space, but their light didn't infect the surrounding void and were instead isolated to the circular ball of fire.

Xavon spun around slowly, his eyes fixed on the void dimension around him, in complete awe of its beauty. He glanced down, noticing that he was stood on a small endstone island. He walked to the edge and stared at a sphere of the purple fire that was within arms length. He raised his hand to touch it, but decided against it and lowered his arm, instead looking down to see more of the purple stars sitting in the abyss.

Suddenly, there was a spark of fire just above the centre of the island. Xavon turned to see a white mask left floating in its place.

A Watcher mask; he recognised it from the book. It had a rectangular symbol in the top middle, and the white material came down into two spikes. A purple glow surrounded it, and it moved up and down ever so slightly, hovering. He stepped towards it.

It radiated warmth and cool at the same time, and as he reached a hand out to it his fingertips felt fuzzy. He hesitated, before taking it. The glow disappeared as if it had been the thing holding it in the air. It felt light in his hands yet satisfyingly heavy. The material was smooth yet slightly rough, and it didn't feel like anything he'd ever felt before, but like all materials and no materials at the same time. The white was perfect but not bright, and Xavon could tell by simply looking at it that it would never get dirty.

He traced his finger on the symbol; feeling how it was indented slightly into the white. He flipped the mask around and looked at the back, seeing some words in the same area as the symbol that read;

̇/ᔑ⍊𝙹リ ⍊𝙹╎↸

Xavon Void. He thought, without even thinking about the fact that the words were written in the different language. He stared at it for another second, before slowly bringing it towards his face and placing it over his eyes. It felt like a magnet as it touched his skin and connected to his face. He blinked, his vision undisturbed. He could see through it. It felt warm and strange, but a good kind of strange. It felt natural, like it belonged there. He felt physically stronger with it on, like it was fuelling his body.

Another spark of magic flickered in the air, and this time a large piece of black fabric materialised. Xavon took it from its floating position in the air, not hesitating this time, and saw that it was a cloak. The fabric was smooth and silky, and as dark as the void surrounding him. He wrapped it around himself and it fell over him perfectly; it hid him almost completely, but wasn't oversized and he could feel that it would never get in the way. He fastened the toggle, which was white like his mask and had another Watcher symbol engraved on it in dark purple lines. He put the hood up, feeling a shadow fall over his face.

It was strange how natural it felt.

Then he heard whispers slide gently by his ears. They got louder slowly, but this time he knew their source. They were all around him, and his looked up, his eyes meeting the purple, bright spheres. They whispered to him. Gently, innocently, they whispered to him with soft voices of harmony. Their words echoed through the void.

A Blessing and a Curse || A Hermitcraft/Watcher AUWhere stories live. Discover now