Chapter Six

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When Xavon next woke up, he slowly moved his arm to get his communicator, and saw that it was the next day, eleven am. He sighed; his back was stiff, achy and still in a lot of pain, but it was better. He carefully started to stand up, moving cautiously like his body was new to him. His bones felt like stone, and his back like a minefield; if he moved it in the wrong way he would be hit with an explosion of agony. Once he was up, he glanced at the two dark, feathery beings that were now attached to his back, slightly surprised but also really not. They were stained with dark red liquid, as were his clothes. He looked down at the blood on the ground, some dried, some more fresh.

He turned, having a feeling that all of his actions would have to be slow, careful and cautious for the next few days, if not weeks. He made his way upstairs (probably painfully slowly for anyone watching), accidentally hitting his right wing against a wall and yelling out in pain; the limb was new and fragile, the feathers soft and young. They were not ready to be moved or touched yet.

As he entered his bedroom, he saw himself and the charcoal appendages in the mirror. They were large, towering over him but not out of proportion with his stature. They were beautiful, but slightly ragged as the feathers were a bit too short and blood had stuck some together like glue. Xavon looked at them, turning away from the mirror. He gently put his hand to one, carefully putting his fingertips to it, ready to take them away quickly, as if he were testing if paint was dry. As he put them against the youthful feathers, the wing automatically twitched, before settling. The sensation was strong, but somewhat nice.

He lightly trailed his fingers down the black feathers for a couple of inches before coming against a small bump. He squinted, before realising it was a closed eye. He glanced around the wing, noticing more dotted around. They blended in well with the feathers. He knew they weren't ready to open yet, so he took his hand away and walked to his bed before lowering himself down carefully on it and lying down. His shoulder blades complained, and he gritted his teeth together for a moment before the pain subsided. He closed his eyes as he had nothing else to do but wait for his body to heal.


Xavon was ripped from unconsciousness to hear a banging sound. Knocking.

"Xavon, you in there?" Xisuma's voice rang, slightly muffled by all the barriers between the brothers. He sighed, reaching for the communicator, before remembering there was blood all over the floor by the entrance. Fuck. He looked at the time; four pm.

You whisper to Xisuma: I'm ill, sorry

He lied, crossing his fingers that the Admin wouldn't enter.

Xisuma whispers to you: Oh

Xisuma whispers to you: Do you need anything or are you alright

You whisper to Xisuma: I should be fine, just give me a few days

Xisuma whispers to you: Okay, get better soon

He heard footsteps leave and sighed with relief. He sat up and shuffled back to lean against the back of the bed, wincing throughout the ordeal. He was no longer tired, he was alone, and he couldn't do anything other than sit there.

Thoughts began running around his head as he had the sudden realisation: he had wings. How the fuck was he going to explain that he'd, casually, grown a pair of wings?! They were enormous, there was no way he'd be able be able to hide them. Everyone would know the minute he stepped outside. They'd realise he was turning into a Watcher. Xisuma would hate him. Fear him.

He didn't know if he'd dislike that. Xavon, the evil Watcher, finally succeeding in the goal he'd had for so many years. He could have the power, quench his thirst for evil, get his hands on the drug he'd missed for such a long time. Forget Derpcoin, forget becoming the richest person on the server, he could do anything! But did he want to?

A Blessing and a Curse || A Hermitcraft/Watcher AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt