Chapter Two

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Xavon glanced over at Xisuma, who was occupied with placing soul soil. He sighed quietly and continued placing the same block. He pulled his sleeves down, sure that it was a particularly cold day, but Xisuma seemed fine with his arms exposed. He glanced at his communicator, finding that it was twenty-six degrees, not minus five like he might have thought. He internally shrugged, continuing his self-set task.

As he placed the soul-imprisoning blocks, his mind wandered. He thought of a couple of days prior, when a shadow had looked... wrong. It had been too dark, too alive. Had he just imagined it? Of course! There was no way it was actually real. It was impossible that a shadow would be so... different. Xavon doubted his logic, though.

His thoughts were halted when he saw something.

"There's a creeper behind you." He called to his brother, before the green monster exploded as Xisuma didn't have time to turn around. He chuckled, placing down another block as Xisuma began collecting the broken blocks.

"How did you know that?" The Admin asked curiously, filling the crater with dirt.

"What do you mean?" Xavon turned and looked questioningly at him.

"You were facing away from me." Xisuma said.

"Oh," it was true, he had been looking in the complete opposite direction but had still seen it. When he thought back, the way his vision had worked didn't quite make sense; he saw both what he was looking at (the blocks he was placing) and the creeper at the same time. "I don't know, sixth sense or something." Xisuma chuckled.

"I want a share of that sixth sense please." He said. Xavon chuckled, but internally he was alarmed. The experience didn't make sense.


"It's weird..." Xelqua muttered as he separated the left half of Pearl's hair into three sections.

"Hm?" The other hybrid answered. They were sat in the Alley; with both the fake and real night sky looking down on them. Xelqua began plaiting the silky brown hair before answering.

"When we first became Watchers, and Tencia and Daixr were our mentors, they seemed so... grown up, in a way, still do. But we're going to be the mentors soon." He replied thoughtfully, before tying the end of the plait and moving onto the other.

"I hope we'll be good at it." Pearl stated. "I wonder if Daixr and Tencia felt like this when they found out they were getting us."

"And remember they were getting three of us, at least we're only getting one." Xelqua added. Pearl chuckled, before standing up when Xelqua had finished doing her hair.

"Yeah," she agreed. With a shy flicker of purple flame, a dark fabric materialised in her hands, darker than the night sky. She wrapped it around herself, fastening the toggle without looking, and placed her mask over her eyes, which might've glimmered purple.

"Bye." Xelqua said.

"Are you sure you're not coming?"

"Yeah, I think from now on there should be at least one of us on Hermitcraft, in case anything happens, at least until we know who it is. Tell Taurtis I said hi." The Watcher assured. Pearl nodded. Two wings sprouted from her back and she teleported away.


The thunderous, deafening, blaring sounds of explosions and fire of the Hermitcraft server halted, and the bloody scene behind Evil X's helmet vanished. His surroundings were replaced with a quiet grassy plains field, and the loudest sound was a cow mooing twenty blocks away.

A Blessing and a Curse || A Hermitcraft/Watcher AUWhere stories live. Discover now