Chapter Nine

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I had to. If he kept on panicking like that, he would've changed form. Grian glanced at Pearl after the red-suited male fell into unconsciousness. Emotions were linked to magic, and Xavon had had a lot of them rising to the surface. Not only would it have ruined his cover, but it could've been a danger to the hermits had he changed form.

Good call. Pearl replied. Xisuma caught his limp brother, whose skin was returning to the normal colour. Luckily, no one had noticed the unusual hue. The Admin stood still for a second, looking down at Xavon. He looked lost. Shocked, worried and confused as well, but lost. "Can I help?" Pearl asked, stepping forwards.

"Um, yes, thank you." He replied as she went on the other side of Xavon and took some of his weight. "Um, we should probably take him to my base." He said, clearly trying hard to think logically. He spoke slightly hesitantly, his words forced.

"Right." Pearl replied, helping to lift the unconscious hermit up a bit and put him into X's arms. His dark grey helmet fell off because she needed an excuse to go with Xisuma, and she picked it up. How long will he be out for?

About ten maybe fifteen minutes. Grian and Pearl made eye contact and Xisuma took off into the sky. Pearl followed, helmet tucked under her arm.


"I'm sorry, he seemed to get very annoyed at you and Grian. It wasn't your fault." Xisuma said as they landed.

"It's fine, don't apologise." Pearl replied, holding the door open. It probably was her fault, they weren't exactly being subtle. Xisuma went through and lead them up to his bedroom. He carefully laid Xavon down on the bed, his eyes fixed on the white haired male, and Pearl placed the helmet down on the table next to it.

"Can you get, um, another pillow? There's one in a chest under the stairs." Xisuma said.

"Sure," Pearl said, leaving.

When she came back up, she heard the Admin sniff quietly. She entered the room and saw that he'd taken off his own helmet and was seated on a piece of cobblestone by the bed. He was looking at Xavon with a hand by his mouth. There were bags under his lost eyes, and she could tell that he was trying desperately to keep it together. He looked broken.

She awkwardly hovered over to the bed and placed the pillow under Xavon's head, before looking at Xisuma.

"Are you okay?" She asked gently. A second passed, and the Admin glanced down. She waited for him to build an answer.

"I'm so worried about him." He said, barely even whispering. "I- I thought things were starting to get better, I thought he was improving but..." his voice wobbled, "I don't know what happened, he just... stopped improving, stopped talking, he locked himself away for two weeks. He wouldn't answer the door, wouldn't reply when I messaged him. I... I was so scared he'd... I don't know..." His hand covered his mouth and he took a deep breath. The words sounded painful. "And now this." He hesitated, a tear rolling down his cheek. "I... I don't know what to do anymore, I don't know how to help."

Pearl walked over to him and sat down on the cobblestone, wrapping an arm around him. He leant into her silently, a few more tears dripping down his face.

"He'll be okay." She murmured with confidence in her statement. Becoming a Watcher was difficult on everyone; both the person changing and everyone around them. She knew. She'd experienced both positions. She just wished she could help, wished that she could explain. She couldn't.

"Do you have siblings?" Xisuma asked, quietly.

"Yes, two brothers." Taurtis and Xelqua. They weren't brothers by blood but she considered them to be brothers by soul.

A Blessing and a Curse || A Hermitcraft/Watcher AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang