She's Back!!!!

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The others weren't doing so well as they were trying their best to stop the swarm of heartless especially the demon tide coming back for another round, Espio was barely even putting much of a fight due to his grieving of his girlfriends apparent death

Starlight and Applejack weren't so much better as Starlight was depress having tears in her eyes as Silver tried protecting her having a hard time remaining stotic himself, Applejack on the other hand just collapsed memories pouring to when her grandfather was killed

Intead of blaming Lyric like last time, this time she blame herself for not supporting Apple Bloom more clearly as she would've protected her more better if she wasn't abusive to her and restrained from being near her, Its really bad as Knuckles had to protect her as she was in no fighting condition

Sweetie Belle cried as Rarity hug her as the poor little girl felt responsible herself for the way she treated her, Cream and Bunga were upset as they miss Apple Bloom and felt their teamwork isn't the same anymore, Eevee cried herself she loved her owner and was missing her already as Silver Spoon hug her tight to comfort her

Meanwhile Lyric was yawning growing bored over the whole thing, he wanted them to be dead already, he just wanted to know which one of these people were the one meant to died so the door to kingdom hearts will be reveal like what the book said

As the demon tide got everybody into a corner, it prepared to finish them off, only for the kingdom key to strike it sending it away as a mysterious figure appeared from a bright light and wail on the tide until it left through a dark portal

Everybody including Lyric were shock to see the mystery figure was Apple Bloom herself who came back to life from the Final World, She turn to her allies her were shock in disbelieve to see her alive again as Espio slowly approached her follow by Eevee

Apple Bloom: "hi guys i'm back" she then found herself in a tight hug by Espio as Eevee hug her shoulders tight

Espio: (tearing up) "Apple Bloom!"

Cream and Bunga: "Apple Bloom!"

Sweetie Belle and Applejack tear up as the former went in and hug her as well alongside Cream and Bunga. Starlight and Silver join in soon after with Applejack crying in joy of seeing her sister alive again. Lyric on the other hand....

Lyric: (stunned) "what!? this isn't possible you can't be alive!, how are you alive!!"

Apple Bloom: "i was hanging on by a thread which is allow me to find a way back" Espio and others smiled tearfully as they felt like they had a key in bringing her back

Lyric growled as he open a dark portal as Diamond Tiara appeared holding the black keyblade she was given as she glare at Apple Bloom alongside Lyric

Lyric: "it doesn't matter anymore i'll kill everybody until this portal behind me opens" he summon some dark powers that sended everybody backwards as he slithered down to the ground as Diamond Tiara jump down herself flashing a evil smirk

Diamond Tiara: "i'm gonna be honest here having Lyric part of me felt wierd even wierder than backstabbing that Infinite guy, but nearly killing you aroused me as i never felt so much death in my life, i feet like this is my destiny"

Apple Bloom: "your destiny to be a serial killer!?"

Diamond Tiara: "no to be ruler of this city and with kingdom hearts soon to be by ourside it'll be possible for me to do that"

We then cut to car stopping near the castle as two familiar figures arrived from the car and raced inside as we cut back to the others

Silver Spoon: "in all my life we been bullies to innoent people i mostly stay to enjoy those moments cause we were best friends, and then you framed Apple Bloom and got her expelled, and tried to kill her after that we became enemies but i never thought this is how low your gonna get risk the universe just so you can rule a city?!!"

Diamond Tiara: "well duh my little tiara just proves i'm meant to ruler, everything was perfect but the reason its not is because that thing" pointing at Espio angering Apple Bloom more "and its also because of them as well" pointing at the night guard who glared at her "and finally we had to improvise when Rarity came into the picture" Rarity remembered when Sweetie Belle said Apple Bloom tried to kill only to have realize it was the other way around as she and her sister glared at Diamond Tiara "and she herself ruin our final plan, but now this time THERE WON'T BE ANYMORE DISTRACTIONS!! YOUR ALL DEAD"

She summon a powerful darkness spell to kill the most of them as Apple Bloom prepared to shield what most she could shield with her keyblade as the spell fired

?????????: "NOOOOOOO!"

The spell striked, but the heroes were okay, but were confused on what happened, Fluttershy look upon hearing some panting to see her brother was here and was panting tiredly looking scared

Fluttershy: "Zephyr!? why are you here?" he pointed over to the area between Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom to which Fluttershy look and was horrified

Apple Bloom went from confused to stun to horror as she saw somebody took the deadly blow for her and she was more horrified to see who did that as was everybody else (mainly Rainbow Dash)

Apple Bloom: "scootaloo?"

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro

Sonic belongs to SEGA

The Lion Guard belongs to Disney

Kingdom Hearts belongs to Square Enix

Apple Bloom And The Power Of Waking 7 Part 2Where stories live. Discover now