Planning To Save Pikachu

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Apple Bloom and her friends headed off to find Lana and her friends, once they found them they notice they seem to be planning of some sort with Shauna right near them, heading to their location to see what's up

Apple Bloom: "uh hi guys what's been going on!?"

Bonnie: (notice them) "oh you must be Apple Bloom i'm bonnie and well my brother's been looking for a wife and well-Hey!" she was interrupted by her brother using aipom arms to grab her "let me go"

Clemont: "so sorry about my sister"

Apple Bloom: "it's fine i'm already taken anyways and yes i'm Apple Bloom" she hug Lana who ran and hug her tight "so you must be her friends or what's left of them"

Lillie: "i'm lillie and this is snowy" hugging her alolan vulpix "we are both searching for my lost father"

Brock: "i'm brock former gym leader of pewter city and training to become a pokemon doctor"

Misty: "i'm misty gym leader of cerulean city"

Dawn: "I'm dawn and this is piplup" Piplup saluted as a way to greet Apple Bloom "my goal is to become top coordinator"

Clemont: "as my sister mention i'm Clemont gym leader of Lumiose City and scientistic inventor"

Sophocles: "and i'm Sophocles dreaming to become a astronaut"

Burgundy: "i'm burgundy recently became a class B connoisseur"

Bianca: "Bianca's the name and a pokemon trainer is what i am!"

Casey: "Casey's is who i am and i cheer for the electabuzz team"

Miette: "Miette here and i'm dreaming of becoming the kalos queen"

Roxie: "my name is Roxie band leader of Roxie and the Koffings and gym leader of virbank city"

Korrina: "and i'm korrina gym leader of shalour city"

Bunga: "i'm bunga the brave representation for the night guard"

Cream: "i'm cream and this is cheese" Cheese happily greeted the others as Tuffy and Jerry reveal themselves

Tuffy: "and that leaves two adorable mices Tuffy and Jerry" Jerry nodded happy "so what are you guys planning?"

Lillie: "you see we just found out from shauna that ash's pikachu was imprison in a cabin far from here"

Cream: "oh no!"

Apple Bloom: "hold on a second of Shauna" Shauna gulped a minute "i thought you were calem's helper why are you helping us?"

Shauna: (sighs sadly) "i know what i did is wrong, but calem threaten my life if i didn't say Ash rape me, Calem even threaten my pokemon if i didn't do the deed on Ash myself." she had tears from her eyes "i befriended Sid Chang and we are both remorse for our actions i decided to become your guy's mole and help you by sending text messages"

Apple Bloom: "so your S on my text?" Shauna nodded "well i might not say you could go to jail for helping Calem even if you were forced too, but you'll get a lighter sentences for that reason plus helping us out" Shauna smiled a bit

Lana: "alright well we're glad you're here cause you're part of our plan we come up with" Apple Bloom and her look  intrigued as Lana reveal them her plan they worked on "here it goes as know in about 30 minutes Calem will be meeting up with team calem before he returns to the cabin so team ash and I will keep him busy with yet another argument while Apple Bloom and Shauna will go rescue pikachu"

Apple Bloom: (confuse) "that's it?"

Shauna: "well it sounds easy and simple but Calem had rig the cabin with an alarm that'll detect if Pikachu tried to escape or someone tries to rescue him and he even declare to kill pikachu if that happens, so by following my lead we can finally save him"

Bunga: "what about the rest of us?" referring to himself, cream, cheese, and the mice

Lana: "you'll go with Apple Bloom and Shauna according to Shauna herself this evening he'll go back to the cabin to kill pikachu if he doesn't join him so we have to act fast and stall him"

Korrina: "if it wasn't illegal or wrong i'll beat that snot brat up for what he's done" the other's nodded their head agreeing to what she said as they too wanted a piece of Calem for his horrible actions "but since it is we'll just make sure he doesn't return to his cabin"

Apple Bloom: "i'll let Starlight know she can help us rescue Pikachu"

Shauna: "good, then it's settled we begin in now 28 minutes lets get prepare for what i assume is a epic battle" everybody nodded with face filled with determination as they set off to rescue Pikachu and stop Calem's ways

Apple Bloom quickly phone called Starlight about the situation that they were about to get themselves into as the group was prepare to rescue Pikachu but were unaware they will be sealing Calem's fate behind bars as the monster he truly is.

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro

Pokemon belongs to Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures

Sonic belongs to SEGA

Lion Guard belongs to Disney

Tom and Jerry belongs to Hannah Barbara

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