Forgiveness At Last

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Clemont sigh as he was looking for Serena aka the last girl to be forgiven and the hardest to do so as unlike the other friends that betrayed Ash, Serena was his girlfriend and her betrayal was the hardest one of them all

He eventually found her walking by Shauna who seem to be trying to cheer Serena up herself to no avail, at that point Clemont let the girls know he was around

Clemont: "Shauna? i thought you were arrested?"

Shauna: "Oh Clemont! i was arrested but thanks to the evidence i was lable as a victim so i avoided jail time unlike Calem, though i'll be doing months of community service, so why are you here?"

Clemont: "cause we decided to hear the ones who betrayed Ash out on the whole incident in a hopes of giving them a second chance" Shauna seem surprise but Serena remain sad, not even hearing the hope of being forgiven will cheer her up "Serena? are you okay?"

Serena: (upset with tears) "NO I'M NOT!!!" both Clemont and Shauna were taken back by her outburst as she continue "I DON'T WANT TO BE FORGIVEN CLEMONT, NOT AFTER WHEN I BETRAYED ASH!!! MY ASH!!!, ITS NOT YOU GUYS WHO I FEEL GUILTY OF MORE THAN HIM!!! NOT EVEN YOU GUYS FORGIVEN ME WILL MAKE ME BETTER!!!, I DESERVE TO BE THE ONE TO BE KILL INSTEAD OF HIM!!" She lay onto the ground slamming the ground with her hands in anger of herself much to Shauna and Clemonts shock

Shauna: "Serena please calm down"

Clemont: "get ahold of yourself Serena!"

Just then three pokeballs from Serena's backpack pop out and out came Braixen, Pancham, and Sylveon they were all looking concern for their trainer who was now sobbing on the ground and they all rush by her side to confort her

Serena: (sniff) "thanks for your concern you guys, but it doesn't change the fact my behavior was acceptable!! i bet Ash will never forgive me if he was still here"

??? ???????: "Maybe not off the bat but soon once i understand everything" everyone was looking around confuse until Ash's ghost appear before everybody shocking the group of his presences "i may be dead but that doesn't stop me from seeing my friends sobbing like that"

Serena: "ASH!!??" she wanted this to be true and founded out she could touch him as she felt his hands even though he was a spirit "HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!"

Ash Ketchum: "Discord allow us to visit once in this realm and i choose now to help you out Serena, my death can be undone by helping Apple Bloom out on her goals, i figure after seeing you like this was that only i could get you to cheer up"

Serena: (sniffing) "ASH I'M SO SO SO SORRY!!! I FEEL LIKE A MONSTER, I TRULY FEEL AWFUL FOR THE THINGS I SAID TO YOU, I WISH I CAN TAKE THEM ALL BACK, BUT I CAN'T, WHAT I DID TO YOU CANNOT BE FORGIVEN!!!!!" She sob on the onto Ash hugging him tight as Clemont watch with sadness and sympathy for Serena

Shauna had tears in her eyes as she herself feels Serena's pain afterall as she was the one who pull the rope that kill Ash, sure Calem force her to do it, but the fact still stands that she still pull the rope, Eventually Shauna herself ran and hug onto Ash's feet sobbing mess herself surprising Serena and Ash


Ash smile at the two girls crying and he rub Shauna's head and Serena's, they had their eyes open staring at him with surprise over his sudden actions not what they were expecting from him

Ash Ketchum: "plese calm down you two, at first i didn't even wanted to forgive you guys, but after seeing how happy Sunset and Sonic were, i realize it wasn't healthy holding  grudge on someone who is remorse for their actions, i forgive you guys"

Hearing those 4 words stun the girls as they really weren't expecting Ash to forgive them for what they did and said to him, but he did say those words and meant them afterall he was watching Shauna's efforts and Serena's remorse that it repell what anger he had against them

Ash Ketchum: "i do feel heartbroken by what you girls did to me, but at the same time i seen how awful you guys were feeling, if you wish to feel better than do me a favor"

Serena: (sniffing) "anything for you Ash!"

Shauna: (sniffing) "what is it Ash!?"

Ash Ketchum: "i wabnt you both to join the others and help Apple Bloom out and in turn we can see each other for real without me being a spirit"

Clemont: (tears a bit over seeing Ash again) "what do we tell the others about you"

Ash Ketchum: "its better you don't it'll be more better seeing me alive again, till then i have to go, Serena i love you still try being strong and determine for me"

Serena: "I'LL TRY ASH I LOVE YOU MORE" she gave him a big kiss on the lips and follow soon after for a minute before he disappeared, after 30 seconds later Serena was looking less sadder than before "don't worry Ash, i'll be strong for your sake, and Clemont thanks for checking up on me your a better friend than me"

Clemont: "no problem Serena i decided to forgive you now after what just happen, come on guys" Serena nodded with Shauna smiling sadly feeling relief to see she has been included to join them all

Eventually everybody regrouped all shown not having issues with each other anymore, of course they had to convince the other 6 girls to forgive the traitors and they did....right after Korrina gave them (except for max a punch i the face)

Though they didn't stop her and just took the hit feeling like they deserved it, nonetheless Korrina forgive and they all join Team Ash and work on restoring Ash's good name in front of everybody that knew him

The friendship between all of Ash's friends that he met in his life had finally been restored back to normal once again.

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