Stand Up With Your Friends

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Sid and Shauna were shown outside and were discussing the formers plan on being moles for Team Ash and Apple Bloom without their bully leaders putting them on a leash

Shauna: "WHAT! tell our friends!? that's the plan!!?"

Sid Chang: "i know it's crazy but if our plans gonna work we got to open up to a few about what happen and we can start with your childhood friends"

Shauna gulped nervously as she was afraid how they're react once they find out she had a role in Ash's death and lied that he raped her, they then spotted both of tierno and trevor aka shauna's childhood friends nearby doing their usual thing

For tierno it was dancing and for trevor he was taking pictures of his friends dance as Sid urged shauna forward to talk to them as she hides behind a bush, Sighing to herself over being honest to her friends Shauna approached her friends as they eventually notice her presence

Tierno: "oh hey there shauna pal having seen you since well you know"

Shauna nodded sadly as she remember that the last time she talked to them was during when she was force to lie and tell everybody that ash raped her when in reality it was calem who did. After telling them such a lie Shauna was too ashamed to confront them so she stay by calem and the bullies side out of guilt and remorse

Shauna: "yeah i know ugh"

Trevor: "you okay shauna?" Shauna turn around a bit to see sid nodded at her as she realize it was now or never

Shauna: "actually you guys remember when i told you that ash raped me?"

Tierno: "yeah and it baffles me he'll do something that bad but i guess it's a time for anyone to become very dark and twisted"

Trevor: "why you brought it up shauna?"

Shauna: (gulped) "well i'll be honest guys" she started tearing up "i lied! it wasn't ash who raped me at all!!" that statement shocked her friends "it was calem who did the deed and he threaten my life if i was honest to everyone. He even threaten me more if i didn't help him arrange ash's death and frame it as a suicided"

Upon hearing this her friends saw she wasn't neither lying or kidding as she started crying thinking they're mad at her for lying and helping calem with murder as she was expecting

Tierno: "oh gosh i can't believe that calem did that, that jerk! i can't believe he'll step so low as to hurt our friend like that well just wait till he faces me the next we met"

Trevor: "right! and shauna" placing his hand on her shoulder "there there it's okay let it all out where not mad at you we are mad but not at you but at calem" Tierno put his hand on her other shoulder as Shauna started crying tears of joy over her friends comfort 

Shauna: "thanks guys i was afraid you'll be mad at me but i appreciated it"

???????: "and it'll be the last you'll get" the three turn to see sid having been grab by the voice, Waluigi who had follow them after overhearing their plans "nice try girls but i'll make sure calem's action remain a secret and you better accept it or sid gets the stab"

Sid Chang: "Ugh you better let me go or you'll be sorry" Waluigi laugh at her unaware the others were planning something as Shauna approach slowly

Shauna: "you better let her go or you'll be sorry. I bet you didn't tell anyone where your were going did you?"

Waluigi: "ahahahah not at all Waluigi wins without wario's help so what do you say about that" Trevor then slide in next to Shauna holding his camera with a flash connect to it

Trevor: "how about say cheese punk!" taking a pic sid close her eyes but waluigi didn't and got blinded a bit over the flash which cause him to let go of sid allowing her to kick him in the balls which made waluigi scream in pain and got a wince from trevor and tierno

Waluigi: "ahhhhhh you crazy girl wait till i tell the bullies of your traitress actions"

Shauna: "no you won't" Tierno then gave Waluigi a punch in the face follow by Shauna slapping him in the face "we don't need our pokemon to fight its four against one after all" she then kick him in the face knocking him out

Eventually they sudo him and have him tied up dangling up in a tree tape over his mouth somewhere deep in the forest where nobody will find him even if they notice he was gone as we see Shauna introducing Sid to her friends

Shauna: "like me Sid here was force by Ronnie Anne into killing someone she cared for deep down and we been planning on overthrowing the true villains as a way to atone"

Tierno: "nice to meet you Sid i'm tierno the dancer"

Trevor: "and i'm trevor and i'm interested in seeing every pokemon in a pokedex"

Sid Chang: "it's great to meet you guys and thanks for agreeing to help us i'm sure we will expose Calem, Wario, and Ronnie Anne in no time, together"

The 4 laugh and high five each other as they knew with waluigi taken care of there was nothing that was gonna stop them as the bullies will find out the hard way

Pokemon belongs to Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures

Loud House belongs to Nickelodeon 

Mario belongs to Nintendo

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