Close Friends Again

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Rarity was at the beach hoping to relax a bit and clear her head over everything that happen, to Sweetie Belle's actions, to Applejack true reason of hating mobians, and to now having to accept the girl she loved is now dating what she used to hate

Rarity: (sigh) "ahh i need this, the hot relaxing beach, resting here during the weekend will clear my head over everything that happen" she was interrupted by her phone ringing which annoyed her "so much for clearing my head" she pull out her phone and answer it "what?"

Starlight Glimmer: (panic, relief tone) "rarity oh thank god you didn't had my number block!"

Rarity: "Starlight what's wrong!?"

Starlight Glimmer: "its Sweetie Belle, she got shot by Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara who were trying to kill Apple Bloom we have her taken to the hospital just get here fast"

With that said Starlight hung up and Rarity's eyes widen in horror as she let her phone fall into the sand below as what Starlight said to her sink in, her sister got shot and was taken towards the hospital, tears begin pouring down her cheek as the thought of her sister dying starts sinking into her thoughts

Rarity: (tearing up) "oh gosh! no!" she hurried off the beach, grabbing up her phone and clothing but not changing yet as she got into her car and drove legally towards the hospital crying along the way "oh sweetie belle darling please be alright"

At the hospital Apple Bloom, Eevee, Silver, Starlight Glimmer, Tuffy, and Jerry were there waiting for any news of Sweetie Belle's condition, Starlight hug Silver as both were growing impatient over the wait, Tuffy was stress eating which was a lot of food that surprise Jerry, Eevee was cuddling up next to Apple Bloom who had tears in her eyes over the fact that Sweetie Belle risk her life in order to save her from dying

Just the thought of dying really sink into Apple Bloom's mind as she realize that being a keyblade wielder doesn't mean she was bullet proof and now was shaken over how life can just be taken away from you in a instant and someone else's life as well

Rarity had made it their location sobbing in tears as Starlight got out of hugging Silver to hug and comfort Rarity who was still in her swimsuit due to rushing all the way here to see her sister, Starlight patted her back as Rarity sob on her shoulder before calming down a moment

Rarity: (worried) "how's my sister!?"

Starlight Glimmer: "she's in a room they're mending her bullet hole she received from saving Apple Bloom, we don't know anything till they tell us"

Apple Bloom: "its true, before she past out she told me Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo were planning on killing me so she push me out of the way before i ended up dead" she had her head down a bit "and yelling at her was the last thing i did to her before that moment" having tears in her eyes as Eevee hugs her trainer

Tuffy: (jump towards her side) "don't blame yourself Apple Bloom blame those who tried to kill you and hurted Sweetie Belle"

Apple Bloom: "but she wouldn't had jump to save me if i didn't made it sound like i no longer trusted her, she probably figure i wouldn't listen to her if she came to me directly" She sob a bit as a doctor came towards them

Rarity: "oh please tell me is Sweetie Belle alright?"

Doctor: "Well Sweetie Belle had suffer a bullet hole which we manage to heal before she succumb to her injuries, she's relaxing a bit in the room so if your wishing to visit her only 2 are allow in at a time"

Both Apple Bloom and Rarity had chosen themselves to visit Sweetie Belle, being escorted to her room both girls saw Sweetie Belle looking weak but alive as she having blood entering her body to replace what she had lost from the wounds

Sweetie Belle: "hi guys" Rarity sob right near her sister crying over what had happen to her sister

Rarity: "oh darling I'm so glad your alive!" Sweetie Belle gently patted her sisters head

Sweetie Belle: "i'm fine Rarity shaken, weak, and scared, but alive" Rarity hug her sister but not tight as she knows how weak she is as Apple Bloom approach her "Apple Bloom?"

Apple Bloom: (sad) "you save me, you knew i wouldn't listen to you so you took one for me"

Sweetie Belle: (sad) "i'm really sorry Apple Bloom i took our friendship for granted and look where that got us, you had to suffer from your family's wrath, from out attempts on killing you, to everything like now, and now i'm rightfully expel and my shot was probably deserved for how i treated you"

Apple Bloom: "NO!" the sudden shout shock Sweetie Belle "you may have deserve expulsion but not getting yourself killed, i should've accepted your apology in the first place then this probably wouldn't happen i'm the one whose sorry your here in the first place!!"

Sweetie Belle: (sad) "your not i shouldn't have ruin your life in the first place then there wouldn't be any need to feel guilty at all" both started crying as Apple Bloom got closer to Sweetie Belle before they proceed to hug themselves "i wish i can take it back"

Apple Bloom: "you can't take what you did back but we can start over with our friendship again! and make it work!" both girls cried and hug tighter but too tight as Rarity took a step back tears of joy over seeing the repair new friendship both girls had made

While their friendship will never be the same as it used to be due to their past actions, making a brand new one will strengthen their once old bond into something harder to break. and it'll be explore in about 2 days until Sweetie Belle is allow to leave

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro

Sonic belongs to SEGA

Tom and Jerry belong to Hannah Barbara

Apple Bloom And The Power Of Waking 7 Part 2Where stories live. Discover now