Broken Heart and Information

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After the battle Georgia retreated and hid behind some bushes watching from the distance in rage over their plan being ruined, She then waited hoping Ursula to come out of that cabin smugly holding Apple Bloom's head

To her horror instead Dawn was seen exiting the cabin carrying Apple Bloom in her arms with Bunga and Cream on her shoulders still pass out as everyone surronded her, With no sign of Ursula, Georgia figure what happen

Georgia: (tears) "no!, she's dead!" she cuddle in one corner near a tree sniffing a bit over her lost lover "i loved her, and now shes gone" she eventually begin gritting her teeth in anger "they're pay for this" she got up and slowly walk back to infinites place to get something as she continue having tears coming down her face

Meanwhile Apple Bloom was having a vision once again but this time two different ones first was onewas  with Sunset and Sci Twilight who had arrive at Sunset's place after having a date together

Sunset Shimmer: "that date we have was fantastic, your an awesome girlfriend Twilight"

Sci Twilight Sparkle: "and your an amazing girlfriend yourself Sunset"

Sunset Shimmer: "take care my love" they kissed as the vision ends and Apple Bloom sees another vision with Ash and his Pikachu walking towards Serena who was waiting for Ash

Ash Ketchum: "you know buddy waking up late was the best thing to happen to me, if i didn't wake up late i probably wouldn't have you as my partner" Pikachu snuggled right by Ash happily as Serena waited for ash in the distance smiling warmly

Serena: "all that waiting for him was worth it i hope nothing gets between us now"

Apple Bloom eventually woke up as did Bunga and Cream all who were very exhausted but still alive as the farm girl now founded herself being holded by Starlight Glimmer looking worry at her before sighing in relief

Starlight Glimmer: "oh thank goodness your alive Apple Bloom, I was so worry i lost you"

Apple Bloom: "i'm fine Mom really i am" Starlight smile haven gotten use to being call that for the time being as Burgundy exited the cabin to investigate and strange stuff that was left over and came out with a piece of paper as Bunga and Cream woke up to

Bunga: "ugh that kick Ursula gave me really stung how your holding up Cream"

Cream: "hurt but still alive how about you cheese?" Cheese confirm he was still fine by cheering his name happily

Apple Bloom: "glad you guys are okay i felt worry when i saw you two down for the count, i felt like i snap or something, but it did allow me to defeat Ursula and that heartless no problem"

Burgundy: (cleared her throat) "excuse me i have found this papier" showing the paper with words on it to Apple Bloom

Apple Bloom: "it must be part of the pages that were founded after we defeated Makucha and The Dazzlings, read it please"

Burgundy: "alright then" she proceed to read it "Both the snake and dragon spirit had tried to free him but they fall to a legendary keyblade wieler name Key Striker who manage to slay the snake by freezing him as a statue, Sadly the hero died as the snake wounded him too much for the fellow to go on, meanwhile two folks face off against a Dragon spirit and 17 other spirits by its side, they manage to seal them away but they died in the progress, after the crisis it took a while for everyone due to the merging to get along with each other, However their were rumors the threat tht was dealt with years ago would return and it'll start with the snake who'll be free and seek vengenous, the missing keybladers had arrived but lost most of their skills to be very useful for stopping the threat from return, however three of these keybladers still have enough skills to be useful, but they are much farther from reach" she stop reading as she check the back and only found pictures "thats all there is to this paper"

Apple Bloom: "Key Striker? thats my grandfathers name" this shock everybody present "oh my gosh the beginning of this page is similiar to Applejack's truth book to key striker and to my parents sacrifice on stopping this snake villain and spirits respectfully" Tuffy pop out of Apple Bloom's backpack

Tuffy: "first of all please set you backpack down before you battle so me and jerry don't get toss like ragdolls in their" Jerry pop out rubbing his head "and second of all how wierd the beginning of the page is similiar to the one Applejack told you"

Apple Bloom: "well whatever it is that makes the connection i just hope the next too pages can tell us more oh what great evil will be coming soon"

May: "well until then lets be grateful that Iris and Dawn are okay"

Dawn: "no need to worry"

Iris: "yes i'm fine and thanks for saving our lives back there everyone especially you Apple Bloom your my hero and not a little kid like most people"

Apple Bloom: "no problem" everybody celebrated this success as Apple Bloom double check that page Burgundy founded "a pit stop to the choatix and given them this page won't hurt, plus they might figure this out soon"

Apple Bloom look up in the sky scratching head still wondering now why was she having these visions and were they connected to whats truly going on, she'll discover it soon, just takes time.

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro

Pokemon belongs to Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures

Kingdom Hearts belongs to Square Enix

Sonic belongs to SEGA

Lion Guard belongs to Disney

Tom and Jerry belongs to Hannah Barbara

Apple Bloom And The Power Of Waking 7 Part 2Where stories live. Discover now