Summon 5: Leshawna

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Apple Bloom and Espio were having a romantic time strolling through the park as they feel a lot of stress faded away once they learn that Sid had founded a way to expose her ex friend to the city to know

Apple Bloom: "this is nice a nice day without worries"

Espio: "agree even if Ronnie Anne is hiding it'll mean she probably won't be causing too much trouble" he was unaware what happen as he and Apple Bloom enjoy the breeze

It wasn't long till they saw a woman sitting on a bench looking glum as right on her right hand was none other than a keyblade itself, making them realize she is one of the missing keyblade wielders kinda like Ella, Dj, Owen, and Laurie

It wasn't long till they saw a woman sitting on a bench looking glum as right on her right hand was none other than a keyblade itself, making them realize she is one of the missing keyblade wielders kinda like Ella, Dj, Owen, and Laurie

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Apple Bloom: "shes a keyblade wielder!"

Espio: "at this rate i'm not seeing the special of it since apparently everyone has one these days"

Rolling her eyes Apple Bloom approach the woman with the keyblade who didn't notice her until she clear her throat

Apple Bloom: "uh hi there i can see your uh a keyblade wielder miss-" 

Leshawna: "oh i'm Leshawna sugar, and yes this is my keyblade, i can tell you know what these are correct" Apple Bloom nodded before proceeding to summon her keyblade surprising Leshawna in the progress "whoa i didn't know you have a keyblae yourself"

Apple Bloom: "same to you which is why i came over i'm Apple Bloom and this is my boyfriend Espio, and i have here this summon device" she pulls it out which Leshawna notice

Leshawna: "whoa a summon device with 4 pieces!?, you met keyblade wielders already?"

Apple Bloom: "yeah Ella, Dj, Owen, and Laurie i met them all and they told me how they were scatter from each other and broken friendship with mistakes and regret" Leshawna sigh as she place something in the device 

Leshawna: "well first off i can be summon to help you out if you need me" Apple Bloom nodded "and well i can tell you what happen a bit, how much do you know"

Apple Bloom: "well from Ella told us she and the others face a powerful darkness and won before being seperated, Dj told me he miss his friends, Owen said that there was a fight between you all and Laurie regret her friendship ending with Miles"

Leshawna: "yeah that not really sums up everything as this darkness had helpers"

Apple Bloom: "like evil keyblade wielders cause Ella told me that"

Leshawna: "huh? to be honest i never truly thought she took things seriously as she was almost a pacifist who never hurt anyone, except for one time with her force fight with Sugar but thats not important right now besides evil keyblade wielders we were up against mutant animals and robots animals"

Apple Bloom: "really?"

Leshawna: "yeah they were led by two different people one was a random robot i never recognize who it was but i knew the other one who led the mutants was zeke or we know him as ezekiel he was the first to leave every time and he became a mutant"

Espio: "whoa thats mess up!"

Apple Bloom: "poor guy how come nobody tried to help him"

Leshawna: "didn't you hear me say he led a mutant attack on us?"

Apple Bloom: "i mean before that like ever helped him!?"

Leshawna: "well Chris was a huge jerk that thought he was better than human looking and well i really don't know how to help him i never dealt with such a thing before in my life so i had no way of helping him even if i wanted too as he was a sexist towards women" Apple Bloom snorted a bit hearing that as Espio shook his head

Espio: "thats sad how come nobody else had help him yet like his family or friends or you know anybody! how could they have left him like that its like they never cared about him at all like family love means nothing to them!"

Apple Bloom: "calm down Espio sweetie, so what happen to him and that robot?"

Leshawna: "i don't fully recall but seeing as theres no threat of animals either mutant or robot at all, i would fully believe they may be gone or something like that"

Apple Bloom: "anyway so where had been like woken up at?"

Leshawna: "i woke up at this park, i found a place to stay at a hotel nearby, i come here often since my biggest regret is more remembered here" she look back down a bit looking at her keyblade

Espio: "biggest regret? and what would that be?" Leshawna sigh and look down still before muttering something ot loud

Leshawna: "my friends"

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro

Sonic belongs to SEGA

Total Drama belongs to Cartoon Network, Teletoon, and Adult Swim

Kingdom Hearts belongs to Square Enix

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