•Chapter- 10•

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck!?............Woah! Wait what? That's such a cool thing man.........okay, thank you for letting me know" he said and hung up.

"Guess what happened after we came out of the canteen?" He asked me and Zain and I frowned.

"Did some fight happen or a proposal?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, Myra went and spoke to Paridhi" that one sentence made anger spike up in me.

"What?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"Yeah, some of our classmates who were sitting there told me this. Myra went and enquired about what's the relationship between you and Paridhi and then she asked her to stay away from you. But, Paridhi is a wild cat apparently!! She put Myra in her place and Myra was embarrassed and left the canteen" He said with a smile and I instantly smiled listening to his words. Munchkin has claws. That much I know. It felt good to hear that she put that idiot in her place.

Myra Sehgal is a headache. She proposed to me in front of everyone in the canteen last year and I rejected her straight out because leading her on or stalling her just cuz she proposed in front of others is not fair to her. I don't have any feelings for her and I told her upfront. I told her to look for someone who likes her back but she is an idiot. She keeps on trying to talk to me or know about me which is irritating. I don't like it one bit. I am enraged that she went and spoke to Paridhi but at least, I am glad Paridhi stood up to her.

After talking for some more time both Zain and Rohit left for their houses. Mom and dad came back from work and I went down from my room.

"Hey, mom! Hey dad!" I said going down and they both looked up and smiled at me.

"Hey beta! How are you? How was your day today?" Mom asked hugging me and I shrugged my shoulders sitting down in my chair serving some rotis for myself.

"It was really nice, had this amazing cookie dough cake today. It was delicious" I said and mom smiled.

"That's nice! From where?? You know I love sweets! Should have brought one for me" She asked and I laughed.

"Munchkin gave it to me Maa, I'll ask her and get it for you" I said and bit my lip as I realized what I said.

Both my parents stared at me stunned and I smiled at them not knowing what to say.

Mom was the first one to smile with a glint in her eyes and asked. "Now who is this 'munchkin?' hmm?"

"Uhh....she.......her name is Paridhi. She.....is....my friend? And she is new here. Got transferred from the Bangalore VIT campus and she made that cake. She is really short and cute so I call her munchkin" I said without showing that it was a huge deal and they both listened to me attentively.

"Oh! That's nice! We would like to meet the 'munchkin' too!! Maybe she can bring something sweet for us too!" Dad said and I just nodded my head with a tight-lipped smile. My parents are teasing me, that much I know.

Thankfully they just resorted to giving me teasing glances and did not indulge this conversation further so I quickly changed the topic and completed my dinner going back up to my room.

Afterward, I completed some of the work I was supposed to do and sent the emails to Anurag Sir, and finally sat down free.

Wondering what munchkin would be doing now I looked at the time. It's 10'o clock and I thought maybe I can call her.

Immediately I took out my phone and dialed her number calling her.

Within five rings of calling her, she picked up.

"Hey, there munchkin!" I said as soon as she picked up.

"Hiee Shourya! Wassup?" She replied in a cheerful tone and I wondered how she manages to sound so warm, accommodating, and cheerful all the time.

"Nothing much. Just got done with some work had dinner and called you. You?" I asked.

"I had dinner too and was doing my work when you called" she said.

"Oh, did I disturb you?" I asked not wanting to disturb her when she is working.

"Nah! I was anyways gonna be done in a few. So yeah no worries!" She said and I sighed.

"Cool, I wanted to apologize for what Myra did today. She is an idiot who doesn't understand the meaning of NO and I am sorry for the way she behaved today" I said as I really felt bad about the incident.

"Shourya, why are you saying sorry for HER? I know she is a dickhead. First thing I understood after the encounter with her. So no worries. Plus I can handle her. You are not entitled to anything or anybody yaar so chill" she said and I felt relieved.

I initially called her to apologize as one of the reasons but there is also something else I wanted to ask her.

"Pari?" I said and she hmmed.

"Wanna go out?" I asked unsurely and she laughed.

"Sure! When though?" She asked and I smiled.

"Tomorrow after college?" I asked and she took a pause.

"Actually.......will you take me out now?? I heard that this one place has really amazing midnight biriyani and I am craving some chicken right now, so will you take me??" She asked and I was stunned.

"Would you be comfortable at night? Like with me?" I was asking to make sure and she said softly.

"I am comfortable with you Shourya" The way she said it so softly like she wanted me to know gave me jitters and made me feel so good and happy.

"Text me your address and I'll be there in half an hour" I said and she squealed making me laugh.

"Done! Waiting!" She said and hung up. Immediately I got a text in the next six seconds and I went to get ready.

A night out with my munchkin..........my munchkin.

Hello lovely people!!!!! Awwww!! I loved their conversation and how a date night got planned indirectly!!! And the slow introduction of Shourya and his family too! What about you??? Lemme know!!! And I can't wait for their date night!! You??

Hello lovely people!!!!! Awwww!! I loved their conversation and how a date night got planned indirectly!!! And the slow introduction of Shourya and his family too! What about you??? Lemme know!!! And I can't wait for their date night!! You??

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