Chapter 19: Hot tea and a conversation

Start from the beginning

"I'd like to ask some questions if you don't uh, mind," the man pipes up, taking the hot liquid from the other human and setting it down on the table, getting a pointed look from Edna.

"That would depend on what questions you ask and if I know the answer to it," you reply, taking a sip of the boiling liquid like it was nothing, which it was for some reason. It was warm and should have been scalding even, yet you downed it like normal water. "I would also like to ask some questions in return if that's alright with you."

"Alright. Do you mind if I go first?" he asks as you tip your cup as if to say 'Go ahead'. "Do you know what the uh, Serpentine want with our son?"

"Your son's name is 'J' and he knows Spinjitsu, right?" you make sure, getting a nod in response, "I'm not entirely sure what the Fangpyre want with him and his friends, but I do know that Lloyd wants to get revenge on them. 

He first tried to threaten the people of Jamanakai Village with the prospect of releasing the Serpentine on them if they didn't give him candy. The Ninja came in and reprimanded him by hanging him on a sign and taunting him with the sweets he desired. 

This, however, doesn't justify Lloyd at all as he went on to unleash the Hypnobrai and wreak havoc on the town, stealing confectionary and hypnotizing villagers. He was once again stopped by your son and his friends. Later on, the Hypnobrai revolted against his command and acquired a new leader, angering Lloyd with their betrayal. He managed to steal a map with the locations of the five Serpentine tombs and found his way to the Fangpyre tribe, setting them free. The two made a deal to get revenge on the Ninja and then the Hypnobrai and the only reason they came here was to expand their army. 

I overheard you two talking about your son, 'J' and I recalled that he was one of the four ninja that Lloyd wanted to make pay for his humiliation so I told him, which leads us to now." you explain, earning a stunned silence from both Ed and Edna. "I understand if you don't believe me as for what I just told you to be true, your son 'J' would have to be the so-called 'villain', which is not something a parent wants to hear their child be called, especially since you two have known him your whole life and he is currently a ninja, someone who's job is to save others, not turn them into the very enemy they need to face. 

However, just know that my teacher despised lying and liars, a trait that seemed to have been passed on to me as it is my pet peeve. I would not lie unless I had no choice and as of now, I swear upon my name and my teacher's name that I am not."

"I... I sssee..." Ed muttered, his snaky accent starting to show through, though the man didn't seem to notice as he swallowed the lump in his throat, "I'll check to sssee Jay'sss ssside of the ssstory and I jussst hope that thisss wasss sssome sssort of misssunderssstanding,"

"...I hope so too," you reply, brow furrowing slightly in concern as you took another sip of your tea that had gone lukewarm through your recounting of events. "Now then, my turn." Clearing your throat, you noticed the male tense up as you looked into his eyes and asked "What are your names? I don't believe you've mentioned it to me yet,"

Staring at you in disbelief, the human let out a breathy laugh as the female that sat by his left chuckled alongside him. "My name'sss Ed, Ed Walker, and thisss isss my wife, Edna. Our ssson, asss you know, isss called Jay. For my next quessstion, why are you with Lloyd when you don't ssseem to sssupport hisss decisionsss?"

"...To be perfectly honest, Lloyd reminds me a little of myself before I met my teacher. I feel somewhat responsible for him and he's a very interesting kid. He acts differently from how my books say normal children should and I'm curious as to why. Plus, he also makes for good company at times," you answer, looking down at the mug in your hands that was slowly losing its warmth. "Now then, how do you spell your names?"

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