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4 Months Later


I feel like my stomach is getting more visible, it's not too big but I can feel the difference in my body, I promise I will take care of it more carefully.

Jungkook has also changed, he works more from home and always accompanies me, I like that he is always around me, it makes me calm.

I still go to the office but Jungkook always picks me up, he doesn't let me bring my own car to the office. His parents and my father were very happy, occasionally they stayed at our house.

Now I'm in bed, sitting facing the open window and closing my eyes, enjoying the cool night breeze.

"Babe, the night wind is not good for you, why do you open the window, you can catch a cold, the weather is very bad" Jungkook came in and closed the window in front of me making me frown.

"Why is it closed? I'm enjoying it"

"You could get sick"

"Ugh I'm bored"

"Want to watch a movie?"

"Would you like some popcorn?"

"Sure, let's coming down." He takes my hand and we go downstairs to the living room to watch a movie.

"Choose, I'll make popcorn for you"

"And a bottle of banana milk, please"

"Okay my dear"

I chose Titanic, for some reason I just chose it at random.

"Here comes your popcorn and banana milk, now our stock of banana milk is running out fast"

"It wasn't me who finished it, it was her." I pointed at my stomach.

"Her? did you know it was a girl?"

"I'm just talkin'"

"Are you sure you want to watch this film? you will cry watching it"

"Don't change it, I won't cry, I promise"

"Okay, if you cry, there will be no more banana milk in the refrigerator"

"Aish, that's a crime"

"Then don't cry"

"Okay, I won't cry"

After the middle of the film, I unknowingly finished one box of tissue and my tears were still flowing plus my snot wouldn't stop coming out.

"I've been holding it Jungkook, but I can't"

He laughed at my puffy eyes and pulled me into his arms, I plopped down on his chest and was still busy wiping my tears and snot.

"That's means no more banana milk"

"NO!" I turned to him while pouting

"You cried and finished a box of tissues"

"You are evil, I told you this banana milk is not for me, but for our child"

"So now you're using it as an excuse to be able to drink my banana milk?"

I just pouted at him with snot running from my nose.

"Aigoo, my husband is so adorable" He wiped my nose and smiled.

"I want more banana milk"

"Kiss me, I'll give you more banana milk"

"Then I want two more"

"Just one, you've drunk 3 bottles Jin"

"Two, please"


I kiss both his cheeks

"I kissed you twice, so give me two more"

"One and after that we go back to the room and sleep"

"Please" I gave him a pitiful look.

"Who told you to do that? this is just a real crime, okay two, after that no more movies, we sleep"

"I love my husband"

He went to the kitchen and got me banana milk, two banana milks. I spent it fast.

"It's over"

"Then we should go to our room to sleep"



We both lay on the bed, I cuddled him and stroked his hair, kissed his forehead.

"Thank you Jin, you worked hard today"

"I was busy finishing your banana milk, are you angry?"

"Of course I'm angry"

"Then tomorrow we can go to the supermarket to buy it, I'll treat you, you can buy as much as you want" He dipped his head into my neck and kissed it, making me smile, why is he so cute when pregnant.

"Okay I'll take as much as possible"


"Have you just fallen asleep?"


"Since when can sleep people answer"

"I close my eyes, not my ears Jungkook"

"Go to sleep, I love you Jin, I love our child too"

"Hmm, we love you too"


I woke up because I heard noise from the bathroom, I opened my eyes and looked at the bathroom, turned to the side and didn't see Jin there. I immediately stood up and went to the bathroom, opened it and saw Jin sitting on the floor with a pale face and sweat all over his body.

"Jin what's wrong? did you fall?"

"I vomited everything, my body was so cold Jungkook, I was shivering"

I carried him outside and laid him on the bed, replaced his sweat-soaked clothes and covered him.

"I'll make hot tea for you, wait a minute"

After drinking tea he asked me to lie down beside him and hug him.

"I told you, don't open the window too often at night Jin, the night wind is not good for your health"

"Are you angry?" He pressed his face against my chest.

"I'm not angry, I'm worried Jin"

"Am I worrying you?"

"of course"

"I apologize"

"Don't apologize Jin, go to sleep and don't do that again"

"Don't throw up again?"

"Don't open the window at night"


Is he really carrying a girl? He is so adorable, even his face is very beautiful now, I mean more beautiful.

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