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I opened my eyes and felt a heaviness in my chest, when I looked at my chest I saw Jimin sleeping hugging me.

I rubbed my eyes to adjust my vision, and looked at the clock. I was surprised when I found out it was 9am, I shouldn't have stayed here. Jin must be waiting for me.

I slowly lifted Jimin's head and placed him on the bed. I got up, put on my clothes and left Jimin.

When I arrived home, I immediately went inside and headed for Jin's room. I knocked on the door but there was no answer. So I tried to open it. But I didn't see Jin there. Did he go to the office? But the doctor asked him to rest.

Suddenly my phone rang, I hoped it was Jin, but it was from my father. So I picked it up.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

"Tonight, come home for dinner, take your husband"

"Okay, tonight Jin and I will come"

"Hurry up and come to the office, your assistant said you haven't arrived at the office yet"

"Ahh yes I'm on the way to the office"

"Okay, see you later"

"Bye Daddy"

I hung up my phone and immediately called Jin, making sure he was really in the office. But when I called him the number was off.

I quickly showered and changed clothes and then left for the office, when I arrived at the office, Jimin sent me a message.

Why did you leave me?

Sorry babe, I have to work, now I'm at the office

Tonight stay at my place, I miss you

I'm sorry, but tonight my dad asked me to come over to his house for dinner.

With Jin?

Yes, my father took him too

I'm still thinking about Jin, is he really healthy? why does he have to go to work.


After my work is done, I immediately return home, I hope Jin is already home.

When I got home and went inside, I saw Jin sitting in the living room, just silent and looking at me who was standing by the door. I walked over to him and sat beside him.

"Jin did you go to the office today?"

He just nodded but kept looking at me, his eyes looked very tired.

"Jin, my father asked us to come to his house tonight for dinner, do you want to come?"

He nodded.

"What's wrong Jin? why are you just nodding?"

"Didn't you come home last night?" Finally he spoke.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I should have told you—"

"It's okay, are you guys having fun?"

"What do you mean?"

"Looks like you guys had a lot of fun last night, you look tired"

"Jin are you drunk?"

He shook his head.

"You love Jimin?"

"Why are you suddenly asking that?"

"Let's divorce Jungkook"

"Jin, what are you saying? You're drunk Jin, let's go to your room"m

"I'm not drunk, let's divorce, I'm giving up on this marriage, I can't take the pain anymore"

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