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1 Week Later


I woke up, saw Jimin sleeping beside me, suddenly I remembered Jin, when he slept on my chest while hugging me, he said it was the first time for him and made his body hurt.It was also the first and last time we did that Jin, when you asked me to divorce you and let you go I immediately agreed, maybe you won't be disappointed with my attitude this time.

Today I have received our divorce papers, it is very hard for me to divorce you Jin, I don't want to do this, but I have no other choice.I got out of bed slowly without waking Jimin, took a shower and went to Jin's house, the house we both brought with him the divorce papers he had to's 8 am, he must be at the office, so I'll wait for him to come home.


This morning I don't know how many times I vomited, I was very nauseous, every time I inhaled a strange smell I immediately felt dizzy and now I can only drink banana milk to relieve my nausea.Hobi knocked on my door.

"Come in"

"Jin, are you still feeling nauseous?"

"Yeah, my head hurts too"

"How long have you been like this?"

"I don't know maybe a week, it seems I have a morning sickness, every time I wake up I am always nauseous and recently smelling something strange is also making me nauseous"

"Jin I want to ask a serious question"


"When you and Jungkook have sex, does he use a condom?"

My eyes immediately opened wide at his question. When I think about it again it seems... OH NO!! No way, this can't be happening.

"Hobi, don't scare me"

"Don't tell me he didn't use it?"

"I don't think he used anything."

"Then I know now, why are you always nauseous every morning and when you smell a strange smell"

"What do you mean?"

"You're pregnant Jin"


"Why not? You're not happy with your pregnancy?"

"No..yes, but can you accompany me to the doctor now, I think I should find out today"

"Okay, come on" When I arrived at the hospital, my heart was beating wildly, I have mixed feelings now, I'm happy but also sad at the same time.

"Hobi, I'm scared"

"Don't be scared, I'm sure the results are good"

"Hello Mr. Jeon please come in"

"Okay, Hobi will you accompany me inside?"


"Mr. Jeon how long have you had nausea?"

"Maybe a week"

"Does the nausea happen often?"

"Every morning and when I smell a strange smell" The doctor saw me and smiled.

"Congratulations Mr. Jeon you are pregnant and you are 2 weeks pregnant"


I decided to go straight home and not go back to the office, while Hobi still had work to do so he returned to the office and we separated at the hospital.

On the way home I just thought about how this is, what should I do, Jungkook will divorce me, while I'm pregnant with his child.

But he will not agree with this pregnancy, he chose Jimin, he loves Jimin and never loved me, besides this marriage is only on paper.

Arriving home, I saw Jungkook's car parked outside, my mouth smiled but for some reason my eyes filled with tears, I know why he's here.I walked in and saw him sitting in the TV room watching, he looked at me and immediately turned off the TV.

"Why are you home? Are you sick?" Why does he care?

"It's okay, what are you doing here? Is it a matter of divorce?"

"Yeah, I brought the divorce papers for you to sign." He put a folder on the table.

I took a deep breath before approaching him, I tried to hold back my tears, my hands started shaking.I sat next to him and opened the map. I saw his signature there, I couldn't hold back my tears anymore, but I quickly wiped them away.

"You seem very serious in this decision?"


"Before I sign may I know the reason you divorced me? Please, I promise whatever the reason I will still sign this letter"

"Jimin is pregnant"

Instantly I looked straight at him and my tears just flowed, my heart was so broken, really broken. What was he thinking when he did that to Jimin? How do I tell him I'm pregnant too?

"I think you guys had a lot of fun during the holidays, fine if that's your excuse" I took a deep breath before finally signing the letter.

"Jin I'm sorry--"

"It's okay Jungkook, now that we're officially divorced, I have something to say"

SO FAR AWAY // JINKOOKDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora