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I woke up and saw there was no Jin beside me, I remember he didn't sleep here last night. I saw our wedding ring on the table, I hurt him again.

I got up and got ready for the office, when I left the room and went to Jin's room but no one was there. So I went downstairs and looked into the kitchen, there was only breakfast on the counter and a note.

'I'm sorry, eat your breakfast, I love you -Jin'

I ate the breakfast he made and rushed to the office.

When I arrived at my room, I saw someone there sitting in my chair.

"Soobin, what are you doing here so early?"

He approached me.

"I was thinking about you last night, so I came here"

"We can meet at lunch as usual, you don't have to come to my office"

"What is it? can't I go to—"

"Soobin I told you not to talk like that, go back to your office, I will pick you up at lunch"

"Hmm ok"

He hugged me and I hugged him back, then he left.


I came to the office with puffy eyes, I just cried and forgot to sleep, now I am very tired and sleepy.

"Hey Jin what's wrong with you? you look messy"

"Shut up Hobi, I don't want to talk anymore"

"What is it? did you fight?"

"Nothing, I just need to rest"

"Why did you come to the office? go home and rest"

"Aish I can't rest at home"

"How about we have lunch at the usual place? We haven't been there in a long time."

"Yeah, you fix it"


I didn't bring my phone, I purposely left it on my desk, after all there won't be calls from anyone including Jungkook.

Hobi and I entered the restaurant and how surprised I was to see Jungkook and... I don't know who he was, facing each other and.. the person touched his cheek, instantly my tears flowed.

"Jin, is that Jungkook?"

I didn't answer Hobi's question, my mouth was so stiff at this sight, until Jungkook looked at me and got up from his chair. I immediately turned around and walked out of the restaurant. I heard him calling my name but I didn't care, I just walked to my car and left.

Why, why this pain, what did I do wrong? can't I be happy in my marriage? Jungkook, why? why are you hurting me again...


I came back home around 2 am, with my head so heavy, yes I was drunk. I don't care, this is the only way to forget my pain.

I opened the door and saw Jungkook in the living room, but I ignored him and walked up to my room, the guest room that became my room.

"Jin where are you from?"

I just kept quiet and continued to walk to my room, when i wanted to open the door he held my hand.

"I'm tired can't we talk tomorrow?"

"You're drunk! Where were you? Don't you know what time it is?"

I looked at him

"Do you remember all this time? don't you remember for two months you don't lose track of time?"

"I'll explain about the restaurant when you get better, now that you're drunk it would be pointless to say anything to you"

"I don't need any explanation, do whatever you want Jungkook, I don't care. I'm sick of all your words, it's all bullshit, you don't love me anymore, I keep my body from other people while my husband let his cheeks be touched by other men, my happy marriage " I chuckled and opened my bedroom door, then he pulled me.

"Sleep in our room"

"No more us Jungkook, take a look" I took his hand and pointed at his ring finger.

"No ring, you took it off again, do I have to take it off too? yes I have to take it off when I go to the office tomorrow"

"Jin you drunk, sleep in our room"

I pushed it

"DO NOT TOUCH ME! only my husband can otouch me and you are not, go, go with him who can make you laugh, you want children right? fuck him so he can get pregnant with your child Jungkook"

I went into my room and locked the door, I didn't care what he was doing outside.

SO FAR AWAY // JINKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now