"Baby, you used pills right?"


Hyejin got silence and it's confused Wheein. She open her eyes and look at her with deep thoughts.


"I'm not taking my pills for a week now. I forgot. Since you're not here and beside you always withdraw when we do this."

Wheein got silent but deep inside she don't care, weather Hyejin got pregnant or not she'll gladly accept it. She's only considering her feelings and choice.

"Don't overthink about it. If you got pregnant-" Wheein got cut and confused.

"No! I can't!" Hyejin hysterically said getting up and irritatedly brushed her fingers to her locks.

Wheein feel hurt. I know Hyejin loves her but she's not her priority or the pregnancy for instance. It makes her feel bad inside but she can't bluntly said that to her. Most of the time after their hot love making they have small chats and she find Hyejin's planned for the future. A future that she can't find herself to be in the picture.

Did Hyejin don't want to have a child with me? Why because of her case? She get up also and head to the bathroom to wash.

After a while she get out and she saw Hyejin already in her dress and getting ready to leave.

"Hyejin...wait baby where you going?"

Hyejin avoided her gaze and grab her bag. But Wheein rush to stop her. She catches on her in the hallway before she open the door.

"Hyejin...baby? Let's talk about this. Don't just leave." Wheein pleaded.

"Wheein... I don't want to talk about it now. I just.... just... just let me okay. We'll talk some other time. Bye."

With hurt and confused feelings she let her go. She always let her go. When Hyejin came back after a months of no communication and a small fight. She always gives her a chance.

Silent tears stream down her face. She just wanted me to fulfill her lust but not enough to live and be loved.

I felt sorry for the child, I know Hyejin is capable to do just to get rid of the forthcoming problem. She flop her body in her bed. Thinking about the result if Hyejin will let it be.

She imagine a small cute baby sucking it's milk. Playing on the crib. Crying before sleep. Laughing in small gesture.
Holding her hands and sleeping on her chest.

"F*uck you Hyejin! It's also my child."

After debating on her thoughts and making up her will to keep the baby incase Hyejin stands against it. She knows she had a career but the life is more important than anything.

She dialed her number but it only rings and ended. She tried a couple of times till the call push to the operator.

"She turned it off!"

Opening her SNS she messaged her but it's unseen. She only leave her a message for her to call her whenever she's ready to talk about it.

However, days have passed, now it's almost two months and the messages and calls that Wheein's been patiently waiting was still unread. Frustrations has been taking on her she needs to talk to Hyejin as soon as possible, she can't sit an wait anymore. What if she did something wrong with the baby. Though, she's not sure if she got her pregnant that night. But still she's scared and anxious by the fact that Hyejin will result to that.

Wheein went to her place, she's been ringing and knocking for half hour and yet, still no ones answered. She's calling her but it's off. She have stayed for more hours sitting outside her home. Tiredness and anxiousness takes her from a month of longing and worries for her she fell asleep on her knees.

Not long ago Wheein's wake up with the gently shakes on her shoulder. Getting back on her trans, she look up an see Hyejin's face. Immediately, she get up and hug her.


"What are you doing here? It's late and you should be sleeping now. You have work tomorrow." Hyejin break from the hug and press the passcode in her house to let us in.

Upon sitting on her couch Hyejin went to the kitchen to get something to drink. My eyes darted on her belly, I know she notice me checking on her.

"Here, drink this first." Hyejin handed me a glass of water.

I don't know why Hyejin seemed so relax and it makes me feel anxious. "Did she do something bad to get rid of the baby? Oh! hell, i can't wait anymore."

"Hyejin, are you pregnant? Did you do something bad with the baby?" Wheein asked.

Hyejin, look away and sigh deeply before answering her. Her silence is killing her she can't wait any longer or she'll explode in anger. Finally, Hyejin speaks.

"What if I am? You don't have to worry. I won't force you to take responsibility. I can raise my child alone." Hyejin coldly said.

Whatever bullshit Hyejin is saying what's only registered on her mind is, she is indeed pregnant with thier baby. She sat closer with her and place her ear on her belly and look up again at her while her hand on top of her belly as is she can alr3 feel its heart beating. Hyejin confused reaction to her gesture makes her smile. She kissed her parted lips and said "I love you both."

Enough for Hyejin to feel overwhelmed she cried hard. Wheein take her in her arm and let Hyejin emotion subside. As she feels Hyejin already recovers.

"Why you always take me out of the picture? I thought you love me but you always telling me your plans about your future as if Im not included?" Wheein feeling sad on the thoughts.

"Cause, you said to me you're not yet ready. You have a lot of things to do and explore. I don't wan't to compromise your dreams andall the things you want just because I'm pregnant. It's not something I wan't you to regret because yo choose us."

"If you think you're not being unfair with me making decisions on your own, I think you're being unfair with my child cause you deprived her to raised with me or are you scared to raised her by someone like me and with not so normal setup of a family?"

"It's not what I'm thinking and it's not the reason. I already told you." Hyejin said defensively.

"Then, If it's not on my opinion then we are good. No more if's and but's"

"But-" Hyejin said lost in mid air as Wheein claims her lips.

"I said no more excuses, no more conclusion of what I want cause from the moment we first met I already know what I want in my life. Sadly the main theme of that night is to proposed to you thats why I make sure impregnate you. So I have reasons to lure you."

Wheein chuckled when Hyejin tried to pinch her sides but she caught her hand.

"Aha! You're bad! you should at least proposed to me before making your puppy." Hyejin scowled at her.

'Hyejin, You don't know how hard to tame a lion. It took me years to be brave and I thought in glimps I lost you, so glad you love me too. I thought
you only want my body." Hyejin glare at her she take her hand and place it over her hardness.

"See? it missed you so much. let's make it a twin."

Wheein whispered making Hyejin burst out laughing.

" Later, I want to eat ice cream and fries." Hyejin pouting her lips to gets her cravings that's first time Wheein will get for her. She's been dreaming since the day she crave for something and when she already have it she dont feel like eating it and it goes to the waste.

"You heard that, task first before we gets our rewards." Wheein getting up talking to her croach......end!


ahaha gudmorning.

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