Chapter 37~

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A few weeks fly by with nothing interesting occurring over than plans for this fake marriage which left quite a few arguments between you and Hatori. The tension was building and you didn't really talk much outside of meetings. To you it felt a little off since you'd only ever fought with Hatori when you were extremely young and naïve. Even those fights were stupid, mainly over your bed time or that you didn't want what he was cooking.

During school nothing really happened either. You and Hatsuharu would hang during lunches, sometimes meeting up with the others and frequently talking to Momiji too on occasions, even though he was completely fascinated by Tohru Honda. You and Haru would sit on the roof and talk about absolutely anything that would be redeemed unimportant but it was those stupid conversations that bought you the slightest bit of comfort at this time. After all, with all that was going on at home, you found it harder and harder each day to mask your hatred for that woman.  

After school, you walked home with Haru back to the main estate then waved him goodbye as he walked inside his house. Then, you place your ear pods in and walk home alone, trying to clear your mind all the while. 

As you reach the door you are welcomed home by one of the maids to which you bow your head at to act as your gratitude before stepping in. As you begin to take your shoes you are greeted with that same expressionless face you've been seeing way too much of lately. 

"Give me five minutes to get changed and then I'll be in there." you say in the most monotone voice to Hatori.

"There's no meeting tonight y/n," He returns his attitude to you. Posture just as fixed as always. 

'Tsk. the nerve of this guy.' you think to yourself. 

"What do you want then Hatori?" you say, your impatience growing as every word spills and refusing to meet his eye as you continue changing you shoes.

"I was hoping to speak to you if you would." He says, acting almost as a demand rather than an optional request.

"Sure." You say, although you really didn't want to deal with his shenanigans at this current moment, if ever. 

"Okay, meet me in my office." And with that, he leaves.

'Wonder what he wants.' you say to yourself knowing full well you have no interest in whatever it is. 

As you casually walk to your room, you notice Akito leaning against your door frame, as if waiting your return. As you approach closer, he notices you and eyes light up only a fragment more. 

"Hello my love~" He greets you with a warm but light embrace following with a kiss upon the cheek. "How was your day?" You smile to him, "Just the usual. I have new information for you also." you inform him. He smiles softly, "That can wait till later, make sure to relax yourself first. I'll await you in my room after you're ready." He says as she strolls off waving. You smile ecstatically, he's been doing this a lot of late, showing a more caring side of him. Demonstrating in his actions more and more how much he's grown on you and truly, truly has begun to fall for you. 

You get inside your room and instantly jump into the shower, taking your sweet time to procrastinate talking to Hatori. After your pro-longed shower you steadily take your time picking out the outfit  you were going to wear. After finally choosing an outfit a tad more casual than to doss in and drying your hair,  you apply moisturiser to your face and finally head off to Hatori's office, pacing your steps to slow the time of arrival. Now this may seem petty to a 3rd person but to you it was completely reasonable. Not because you were being a brat and trying to punish Hatori for how you'd both been acting to each other but rather you were more nervous to be alone with him as it made confrontation so much harder. Truth be told, you loved Hatori like a brother and being angry at him just never sat right with you, but at the same time you didn't want to dismiss your feelings to why you were angry at him just because of how you feel towards him.

Your thoughts on the matter come to a close as you reach the door. Taking a deep breath in, you knock harshly. 

"Come in." You hear a rather irked Hatori say. You steadily open the door and see him sat with his feet on the desk and chair tilted to a side facing the door. He was flipping through a folder of paperwork so it seemed. He raises an eyebrow and glares at you before turning his attention back to the paperwork in hand.

"You said five minutes? It's been 45." He cautiously notices. 

"My bad." You say in return, avoiding his presence as you turn your head sideways focusing your gaze around the room. Noticing anything but him. Hatori lets out a deep sigh as he lowers his extended legs back to the ground before turning to face you, resting his head onto of his interlocked hands and propping him up on the desk. He let's out a deep sigh before continuing.

" I don't want to fight you Y/n," He states. " I know this situation is difficult for you but you need to realise I'm not the one at fault here. It's necessary for the Sohma family that this formal matter is taken out in the best possible manner, making it as deceivable and believable as needed." 

"Mhm." You say, still averting your eyes. Your only objective being to get this conversation over and done with as soon as possible. 

"Y/n, you need to understand all I am doing is out of my control. And I promise I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you." He continues. Without warning he then slams something onto the desk. It was the paperwork he was looking at before your entry only.. it was not paperwork but a photo album. Hatori points at one memory in particular. It was you, small and frail as a child wrapped up securely seated in his young adult arms. He held a warm smile on his face as he looked at your beaming grin directed towards the camera. It was at that moment you realise what hidden meaning he was trying to say, without words. 

"Where did you get this? Our photo album was destroyed years ago." You claimed, your voice raspy from your surprise. 

Hatori stands up and begins to walk around his desk towards you slowly. "I've kept this one with me always. the old one was just a copy." He replies. "We spent our youngest days together Y/n. I'll always have your best interests in mind. Work is work but I need you to know that spitefulness towards you was never in my heart. You have to trust me more, I've always protected you and I always will." He finalises his heart-felt speech. 

"I know," you say, holding back silent tears, "I know Hatori, I'm sorry. I don't know what's come over me. Being with Akito has meant the world to me but I failed to realise I was pushing you away and directing all my anger out on you." You confess.

'Truth be told, being with Akito has made me trick myself into thinking Hatori is the enemy as he is the mastermind behind this false wedding plan thus being the one to make all arrangements; failing to notice that this plan was originated from Akito himself and that Hatori is just a pawn playing his role.' You choose to leave that acknowledgement unsaid but noted. 

And with that, you throw your arms over Hatori as the water works start up again, " I'm so sorry Hatori, I love you. I should never blame you for how I'm feeling." You let it all come out, "You're always here. You've always been my pick me up," you turn to face him again, looking through your teary eyes and gazing up to him. "And I'm so thankful for that." You smile at him. He pats your head lightly and messed up your just-brushed hair. "You're so foolish Y/n." You both let out a small chuckle.

Unnoticed company on the other end of the door, propped up against the framing is non other than Akito, who too finds himself smiling at your making up, cherishing the moment as he secretly witnesses yours and Hatori's bond first hand. 

'I'm glad to know.. y/n.. my beautiful y/n.. has someone to care for her even after my departure. I'm forever grateful to you Hatori, and forever in your debt. my loyal companion." His thoughts reciprocate as he walks away to his room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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