Chapter 36~

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And just like that, you two stood in the main estate court room, the documents lie right below your nose as you blissfully except your new found fate without a single hesitation.  The not so magical but still all-so perfect reality you formed finally unfolding In front of your eyes, Hatori as the witness to accept these events were in fact true and very much happening. 

Akito looked rather at peace with the situation, like as if he was finally getting everything he asked for. You on the other hand, were a nervous, blushing mess. you didn't know what to do with yourself. This lack of control made Akito let out a small chuckle, "Don't panic, y/n. just do whatever feels right. 

You signed your neat signature and he scribbled his. With that, he gazed into your eyes for a split second before placing a sweet kiss upon your lips. 

>>> timeskip >>>

Later that day you subsequently lay there on your bed and replayed the previous events in your head. You, Akito, married?! it was like a lucid dream as such, you still didn't fully believe that it wasn't all in your head, then you looked at your signature on your copy of the prenup. 'how could life shift so far from a very large stand-still in the space of 2 months' you thought to yourself. And with that, you continued to lie there, with the biggest smug face. 

Your peace was quickly disturbed by a knock at the door, it was Akito. You seemed surprised at first but it quickly faded once you realised you had again, just got married. " Hello, my love." he let out a comforting smile which made your heart rate quicken. "we need to discuss business." he says.

"Akito, just because were.. yunno." you couldn't say it due to your heart rate pounding. "married?" he finished your sentence. "I- yes. that doesn't mean that I need to know all your business. You're still my lord after all." he giggled slightly. "so formal y/n. anyone would think you didn't just become my spouse." your cheeks flushed red. He comes towards you and brushes the strands of hair covering your face before leaning close to you and welcoming you into an embrace. "come on, let's go." he smiles while resting his head on top of yours. 

You follow him, your interlocked fingers, heading toward the common room where Hatori sits, relatively unformal (at least for his standards) sipping a parched cup of herbal green tea. As you place yourself on the larger sofa by Akito's side, Hatori offers you a drink to which you accept. "Okay Hatori." Akito begins quickly, " explain the plan in place." 

Hatori takes another extended sip of his tea before reaching up graciously to grab his planner of the low-sat table, "As we are aware, Miss Honda has accepted the proposal of marriage. Obviously, this demonstrates her determination to stay within the family." 

You groan oh-so silently at that already obtained information. After all, you and Akito JUST got married. The idea of another woman getting that intimate with your paramour, even if its all a façade, would drive anyone crazy!

"we tried to scare her from the idea by demanding she move to the main estate, but alas she took the offer within the instant." 

You scowl your brows faintly so not to draw attention. 'that would be absolute hell.' you think to yourself. 

"so I have perfected a fail-proof plan, which is.." 

you sit on edge waiting for his continuation. 

"The wedding will take place as normal and will be followed through until the very end-"

"excuse me." You couldn't bite your tongue any longer. 

"Y/n, darling. he wasn't finished. Don't worry." Akito reassures you... wait.. Akito? Reassuring? You sheepishly blush as your filled with curiosity as to why the sudden change in attitude towards you, even though it couldn't be more obvious. 

Hatori looks at you with a stern glare as he clears his throat and continues, " As I was saying," his gaze slowly averts from you, acting as a warning to not interrupt again. You sigh in submission. "the ceremony will go through till the very end, where Akito will finally make a toast and claim his pre-marriage. Due to the contract signed by Miss Honda, It states she can only stay in the company of the Sohma family if in a marriage with Akito. Therefor since that is impossible, she will be forced to leave." 

"Can we not just disclose it at the alter right before they say I do? what's the point in dragging it out." you ask hastily. 

Hatori sighs, " I assume Akito wants to pro-long it so to humilia-" 

Akito cuts him off, "No need.  We'll do as Y/n requests." Oh wow, ' he's really siding with me? and taking my feelings on board over his own pleasure?' with every sudden gesture Akito abruptly displays, you start to believe more and more that he is truly in love with you. In which, he actually is. You really managed to break through the cracks of his armour, that of which nobody would ever comprehend or choose to accept, even you yourself have trouble coming to terms with it. 

Hatori appears surprised by Akito's sudden change also, but all he finds himself doing is letting out a slight grin and rolling his eyes, "As you wish, My lord." Akito turns and smiles at you. Oh how peaceful, and temporary, complete bliss can be.   

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