Chapter 23~

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Akito had returned to the room but before opening the door he decided to intrude on the outside, so he stood and listened in, hoping to catch something that would not of been said to him.

"Well, thats easy." You smiled. Your teacher seemed confused by your remark. "I'd return to the sohma estate full time to care for the head of the family. After all, thats my role in the clan." Both Hatori and miss Shiraki let out a sigh. "Y/n," Hatori began but got cut off by an unexpected opinion,"y/n. I respect your loyalty. But for a second lets think about if the head of the family wasn't around, whats something you'd do for you?" Your eyes widened by that thought. You dat and thought about it, then gave your answer. "Well in that case.." Hatori seemed desperate to know your response, "i guess, I'd become a writer." Hatori's expression could be framed. His face filled with both surprise and pride. On the other hand, Miss Shiraki seemed to have already knew the answer. The one-so-calm Hatori seemed to be frantic, "mayu- i mean, Miss shiraki," oh so they do know each other, "is y/n good a writing?" Miss smirked and said, "why don't you ask her yourself." She proclaimed. Hatori looks straight back at me, "I'm okay i guess. Its just a hobby and besides, Im not gonna do it." You say crossing your arms and leaning back in your chair.

Little did you know, Akito on the other side of the door had the very same shocked expression. He storms off heading for the car but on his way outside he sees Haru and gets an impulsive idea.

"Haru?" He summons him. "Oh, hello Akito." He bows his head after walking over. "Take a seat with me?" Akito forcefully asks and Haru abides. "You're pretty close with y/n, if im correct?" Haru seems shocked by his sudden interest in you. "I guess tou could say that. We have grown quite close since she transferred. How so?" Akito ignores Haru's question. "You also study a lot together, am i right?" Haru was nerved by where this was leading to. "Yes." He sharply responds. "What would you say about y/n's literature?"

Haru seemed caught off-guard by his last question. "Oh um, y/n's literature. Shes got amazing talent. Her way with words is somewhat magical." Akito's face did not change, "do you think she could pursue it as a profession?" Akito seems to dig deeper. "If she wanted to? Absolutely." Haru's sentence cut short after he realised his biggest mistake, he quickly tries to fix by following on, "but y/n told me she wont choose it as a career path. I don't really know why. I think she might have another goal in mind, but i haven't really touched on the subject with her." He casually states. It's quite for a minute before Akito begins to stand, making an exit. Just before he starts to head off he states, "what a shame, she could live up to the good name of the Sohma. Quite wealthy pay too. Ill be sure to talk to her about changing her mind." And with that he leaves.

'Did Akito seem quite happy about the idea of y/n having her own career? What on earth-'
"Haru!" Haru was snapped from his chain of thought when he heard you call his name. "Have you seen Akito anywhere?" Perfect timing y/n, "yes actually, he just set off to the car." Hatori seemed relieved, "perfect, okay then y/n. We're heading off now." You nod, "okay Hatori, just one minute?" He sighs, "make it snappy." He orders before heading to the car. "Haru, do you know what you wanna do when you leave here?" He seemed to laugh at your question. "Y/n, you really are scatter-brained aren't you." He chuckled some more, "what?" You were confused. "I didn't have a meeting. Im only here because I was made to help out with the preparations as a punishment for when i went black. I've still got a year to go in this dump." He tapped your head, "oh yeahh- that makes sense" you giggled. Hatori beeped the horn signalling you have to go so you said a quick goodbye to Haru before jumping into the car and leaving.

When you arrived back to the Sohma estate you ran straight to your room and collapsed onto your bed, exhausted. Suddenly, there was a knock at your door, followed by a very stern yet calm Akito pulling it open..

Authors note: hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while so have two chapters in one day as a formal apology! ☺️ Also, I've decided that i'll make a set-date therefor you guys are more aware of when a new chapter is coming. I'll be updating the story every fortnight on a Thursday and I will try my best to keep by that but times are tough right now so please bare with me😅 Another thing, i've tryed my hardest to keep this story connected to the anime as best i can but i do not read the manga so from now on i will be steering away from the original Fruits basket plot and adding my own ending to the story, I hope you're all okay with that! Please remember to stay safe and i'll try my best to update again very soon! (:

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