Chapter 18~

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Weeks have gone by, Akito hasn't spoken a word to you since your last encounter. He barely leaves his room and when he does he won't even look at you. Not like he's the only one though, you didn't really know what to say to him either. You both kept your distance. Hatori was clueless as to why this was going on. God forbid any of the zodiacs found out about that night. All hell would break loose.

On a positive note, you and Haru had gotten exceptionally close (as friends of course!) He was truly the kindest one out of the rest of this twisted family you lived in. It's as though he wanted to bring all the zodiacs closer together, he cared for all of you. The rest were so eager to stay as far apart from one another but not him, he cared.

"Y/n?" ...
You had spaced out. "Oh, sorry haru. I was just thinking." You laughed it off. You had gone over to study for the upcoming term exams.
"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked, clearly concerned. You just smiled back at him, "oh, nothing special. Just your usual stress." That last word slipped out, that wasn't supposed to sound the way it did. Shit!
"Stress? How come? What's going on in that pretty little head of yours, y/n?" His eyes were wide, filled with pity. Oh god, how you hated that look. "I didn't mean for that to sound the way it did aha, just stressed about the exams I guess.." you dazed off into a hollow train of thought again. "Now, I don't believe that. Your grades are pretty exceptional for someone who's never been to a school before. You don't have to tell me y/n, not if your not comfortable. Please, just please don't try to lie to me."

Oh haru. How? How do you do it? How are you always so calm and collective, so pure? I know you have your dark side but still, you're so gentle.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I'm worried about Akito. He seemed pretty down about Yuki's absence."

'I'm sorry haru, but I can't tell you the truth.' You thought to yourself. wished things were different. It hurts to lie to him, but You had no other choice.

He let out a loud sigh, "you care for Akito. I don't see how you can. I don't see why you do. Even so, I admire you for it." That last statement caught you by suprise. "What- do you mean?" You blurt out, evident confusion in your voice. "I mean, you can still love Akito, even after everything he's done to you. To all of us." Love... why use such a word? Before you could question he turns to you and looks straight into your glowing greeny-blue eyes, "and don't even try to argue with me, I know you love him. It's obvious. The way your eyes light up at the mention of his name, how you defend his pride against the others. You love him, don't you

A tear streams down your cheek. "Maybe, but in this life those facts don't matter. All I can do for Akito in this life is make sure he gets everything he desires in the very little time he has.." haru suddenly pulls you in his embrace, running his fingers through your hair. Comforting you. And for the very first time, you let yourself be vulnerable to him as you warp your arms around him and allow yourself to be cradled.

>>>> time skip >>>>

Rather than going home, you decide to drop by Shigure's and ask if you could spend the night there. You had no idea what possessed you to do such a thing, but the burning impulse led to to follow through with it. Shigure and the others were quite happy to see you, surprisingly. "Welcome back y/n, how are you?" That irritating angelic voice called out from behind you, "I'm alright thank you Toto, how about you?" You gave her that nickname in order to draw her closer to you. Nothing out of the ordinary really, you always had a special nickname for everyone you ever met. That way, you could add your personal touch to people. It made it easier to manipulate them. "That's the worst one yet." Kyo barked at my chosen name for Honda, "oh, c'mon now bitter kitty. No need to be like that." His cheeks flushed a bright pink. "Seems I spoke to soon." He stormed at the room as you and torhu just chuckled to yourselves.

"Anyway, y/n. As much as it's a honour, what possessed you to travel to come see some fellow beasts such as ourselves. Or did you miss the princess." He was looking at Honda.
"Same old Shigure, still a pervert I see- not much changes with you." Shigure acted flustered at your accusations, such a drama queen. "And I don't really know- I just had an impulse." You admitted. For once the oh-so sarcastic clown seemed stunned by your honest and bizzare response. "Well, we'd be happy to have you anyday. You know that don't you?" Your attitude suddenly snapped back, "oh really? I don't tend to linger we're I'm no use." Shigure let out a soft giggle, "you're one of the well-behaved members, you don't seem to create an atmosphere, so you're more then at home here." And with that, he left. Not soon after you decided to call it a night yourself as you pulled out the futon in the guest room.

You jumped at the sudden call of your name. Torhu comes bursting into your room frantically, "it's Hatori!"

For god sake, what could it possibly be now?

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