Chapter 32~

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Weeks have gone by and you were still nowhere to be found. You could of retreated to Hatsuharu's place, or Shigure's house although that may not be the best option as you could most definitely kill that Tohru Honda at this current mental state. There are so many places you could migrate to yet you chose to lay derelict in a hidden park location and await death. This was your hamartia, you thought to yourself. You still sat in the same sweats you left in that violent night, and your injuries were fading slowly but still clear as day, some may even be infected by the filth that lay on you for all you knew, but what did you care. Life had no meaning anymore, nobody meant nothing.


Akito's POV:


"Tch, what is she doing. Where is she?! She's not at Shigure's, or HatsuHaru's? What is she doing. Does she really believe she can vanish of the face of the earth without me knowing!?" Hatori was ignoring my outbursts, it was obvious he was upset at me for Y/n's disappearance. "Spit it out Hatori! What do you want to say to me?! Because I'd rather you come out with it then just sitting there with that boring, neglectful expression. Give me some acknowledgement or tell me what you think of me! Because you're really beginning to piss me off." Hatori was giving me my medication at the time. oh how I hated that shit. "You told Y/n to, if i remember correctly, curl up in a ditch and die. You also demanded they never return here so i doubt they would take your warning without precaution." He says, the cocky bastard.

"You think I'm dumb don't you? I know what you're really saying, you're saying, 'you were the one that drove her away, you don't get a right to be pissed about it.' My life, what is happening to us. First, Yuki and haru along with the influence of that manging cat disobey me at my own banquet I hosted for them, next Y/n goes rouge and is blatantly disrespectful to me and now even Your turning against me. I'm gonna be all alone while you all forget what I've done for you and neglect your duties as MY servants!" It's not fair... It's not fair, its not fair!

"they love you Akito, more than their god. You knew this, you knew it would hurt them. And knowing how I saw them the night you broke the news and ever since them, I wouldn't be surprised if they were dead in a ditch somewhere like you suggested to them." He's so calm and collective but deep down he's hurting and I know he would never forgive himself if anything happened to Y/n. "So this is all MY fault then?!"

wait, maybe... what if they really are following through with my orders? No, Y/n isn't that feeble. They'll be back when they cool off. Like they said, we are a lot alike in some aspects I suppose. They definitely have my stubborn side. But I'll out-do them every time, just like a god does.

At least, I hope that's the case...


Back to third person POV:


Another day alive for you. You wish it wasn't. You stare into nothingness, no source of entertainment, looking up into flaky metal, alone with your thoughts. Who knew silence could be this peaceful; You felt completely dis-attached from the world. As though you were no longer apart of a cursed life, let alone a life at all.


Oh no, your peaceful bliss suddenly became chaos reality once again. It's so funny how fast a dream can end, yet how long you wish to sink into the depths of fantasy again. Kyo stood hulled over looking in at your disposing body, painted disgusted with the colour concern. "What are you doing here?" You panic as you fly up, forgetting the enclosed space you trapped yourself in and you hit your head back into unconsciousness. You wake up to find yourself laying on the grass, Kyo alone, towering over you as though taunting you. "Please, don't tell anyone I'm here." you blurt out in a sudden rush, almost clashing your head a second time into his. "WOah- relax, I won't.. As long as you tell me why you ARE here" You let out a sigh and begin to explain in very vague detail how Akito banished you from the main Estate. "I don't understand, why not just come to Shigure's?" You ignore his question. He sighs, "Look, I don't know what's going on with you but as of right now, you need to snap out of it." you giggle coldly, "what's the point."

Kyo seems stunned as it all begins to make sense, "...I can't tell you that. You have to figure out for yourself. Your life is just as a mystery to me as it is to you, but I know you got a purpose. And trust me when I say, It's not to serve that bastard." your eyes light up again, as though the deflation within you finally had access to air again, "You're wrong! My purpose IS to serve Akito, nothing more. Nothing less. I can't love him, he's too valuable for the likes of me. I can only make his short life more enjoyable. Kyo has a flustered look on his face, "HOLD UP?! I SAID ITS NOT TO SERVE HIM WHAT PART OF THAT DID YOU MISUNDERSTAND- AND I- wait,.. love?"

"I'm heading back now, good talk Kyo!" you say chirpy. "I don't think that's a good idea Y/n, come back to Shigure's and get cleaned up first at least. You smell like a sesh pit!" you laugh, "No thanks," you begin to walk off. "Whatever you say just don't say I didn't warn you." He snarls. "Hey, Kyo?" you turn around and look at him sincerely. "Yeah?" he turns his head slightly to see you, "Thank you. I really needed to hear that." Kyo begins to grow flustered and turns away, playing it cool, "yeah, yeah, whatever you stinkin' pig!" you giggle once again, "bye bye pussycat." you hear him shouting pathetic defensive taunts as you skip away with the spring back in your step.


As you reach the gates you remember Akito's warning, therefor you sit outside, waiting for someone to recognise. Before long, Hatori comes to collect you, he stands there, a change of his normal expression to relief, "Thank god you're okay." you look up to see him, almost teary-eyed. "Yeah, I needed a life lesson." you smile. "Come on inside Y/n, we've all been waiting your return."

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