Chapter 28~

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The next morning, everyone gathers around the lounge for breakfast as you and Hatori slave away. Ayami there giving some slightly offensive 'helpful' advice. "Come on Hatori, people out here are hungry. All this moving about keeps you young." You finally pipe up, "if that's the case, you can come take my spot Ayami, grey hairs not a good look for 30." He frowned as Hatori let out a slight chuckle and looks at you. It's not often Hatori smiles, but it's a sight indeed. He has the most beautiful smile, it can make the most evil feel loved if even for a moment.

Haru comes in and begins helping, "Woah y/n. Come here." He takes the hot tray from the creases of your for-arm. "You're gonna hurt yourself." You chuckle to yourself, "work is work Hatsuharu. And my work is never done!." He looked genuinely concerned, "here, give me this."

After breakfast and the clean-up, everyone is free to go about their day. Except for Hatori of course, for just in case Akito got sick. Good for him he had a-lot of work to do anyway and an office within the cabin to do just that! Haru invited you to come with him and the others on a walk. Unfortunately, he didn't include the vital information that SHE was going to be there. You begin walking through the forest and come across the zen garden buried within it. The lake had frozen over and the snow lit up the area, it was so beautiful. Haru looks at you and looks away with a sudden dull expression. "Haru, you okay." You bend over to look up in his face. He looks to the sky, "i wish rin were here to see this with me." Thats right, rin. You had forgotten about her disappearance ever since the incident regarding her and Akito. "I'm sure she would have loved it haru. Give her some time. It can't be easy for her to be without you too." He gives a slight smile, then looks at you, "thank you, y/n." You begin to grow red and look back towards the pond.

"KYOOOO!!" Oh god, you all jump to the sound of Kagura running at the speed of light towards Kyo. "NO NO NO NO." Kyo begins sloppy attempting to run through the snow and ice but fails humourlessly before being toppled on by Kagura.

After there ever-so-familiar greeting, kyo chokes up, "what are you even doing here!? how did you find me!? Where were you yesterday when we all arrived?" Kagura begins laughing, "woah mi'amore," he snarls at that nickname, poor Kyo, "I wasn't aware we were meeting yesterday." She looks confused. "I thought it was this morning. And Hatori told me where you were." Kyo glares at you, knowing that you told Hatori where you were going. You mouth the words "sorry." With a slanted look on your face before looking back towards kagura.

A few hours later and we were back in the cabin due to it heavily snowing. You all surrounded around the fire place. You just say on the sofa furthest from the fireplace as you weren't that cold and didn't want to appear weak just because of some cold weather. Tohru on the other hand, was wrapped in a blanket, shaking profusely. Scoring attention points from everyone there. *She really is pathetic* you think to yourself with a tut. Suddenly,
Hatori calls you over, "y/n can you come here for a moment please." You get up and walk straight over to him as he leads you into a private room. As soon as you enter the door closes harshly behind you, "The seating arrangements have been compromised, I want you to sit by me at the feast." You grow confused by his unexpected proposal. "How come?" Hatori thinks for a second. "Well we're family. I want you by my side this banquet." As heart warming his cheap excuse was, you know something deeper was rooted, "and?" You question. Hatori lets out a sigh, "Akito is making the proposal at the dinner. I want you by my side so i can assure you will not react." Oh, thats why.

You were fuming! You wanted to kick and scream and demand your right to sit by Akito's side like always and that Hatori doesn't have any right to treat you like a child but... you didn't. Because you knew if you did, you would just be proving his point. Instead, you simply responded, "okay, I understand." Hatori looked at you with a genuine expression and responded, "I'm really sorry, y/n." You just smiled as bright as you could, "don't be silly! Business is business," you're happy facade dropped and gloom clouded your face, "business is business." You muttered to yourself before you walked out.

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