Chapter 29~

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At last, the dreadful night come upon you. As you finished your hair and put on your kimono. You couldn't help but catch a drop of acid run from the edge of your pale, white cheeks. You weren't a crier; you weren't a crier at all. In fact, the last time a tear escaped the maximum security prison you held your emotions captured within was 12 years ago, Hatori was leaving for a business trip to progress further in his medical miracles and would not return until 4 months later. During that time, Akito had just been returned home as he suddenly went away with the wind, vanished as though the earth below him swallowed him whole and pulled him to core of our surface. Not until 7 weeks was he found, half alive with broken ribs and a fractured wrist. Yet little did you know that wasn't the most pain he was in. The abuse from his birth giver asphyxiated him finally, driving him to such lengths and such distance away from the main Estate.

"Y/n?" A familiar voice echoed through the hollow thoughts circling your mind. Haru stood in the frame, leaning on his right side, looking chill but tense. "The banquet is beginning. Hatori is running like a mad man trying to find you. you should come with me." His unexpected sturdiness awoke you from the gaze. Suddenly, the patches of red faded from your lifeless exterior as though the tears were nothing but a figment of ones deepest desires. "oops." you proclaimed, still staring aimlessly back at you through reflective glass; avoiding the gaze of haru glaring back at you from a corner. "Come on then, we better get going before a give the old man a heart attack." you finally broke the tension. whilst skipping childlike through the door you are suddenly at a halt as Haru grabs your wrist lightly but with enough strength to ensure you stop.

"Y/n, what is Akito planning?" he asks without eye contact. You admire his jaw structure from his side profile, "Hey, you're really attractive from this angle y'know? No wonder isuzu-" you restrain yourself but it's too late, you see Hatsuharu's expression change with fury as yours drops to serious, "sorry, I don't tend to think before I say." he smiles faintly, " don't you think I know that. you're okay Y/n," he seems saddened by your words yet at peace with your presence. Is this boy the king of mixed signals or what? "You didn't answer my question." He looks at you with an unreadable expression. "hmm?" Oh but what you are at best at, you play clueless. "Oh right! I don't know of any plan in particular other than the regular trying to get to Yuki scheme to be honest." you recite your improv speech like poetry, perfectly. "I don't know, this seems too sudden. I'm sure he's plotting something bigger. Somewhere recently, Akito has found an ace up his sleeve and I was hoping you would have some insight as to what, are you sure you haven't heard anything?" he looks at you with coy. "Nope, sorry. Nothing." you shut down his curiosity immediately. He looks disappointed.

" I suppose if Akito really does have something he's planning,, we best go find out. But, to be perfectly honest. I believe this meeting is genuinely pure. He seems to be a lot happier these days.." that sentence wasn't devious, you truly had noticed as spike in Akito's positivity ever since the plan came abouts and the weeks that followed up to this night.

You walk out with Haru and only minutes later are pulled aside again, "Y/n, would you come here please for a moment. I need your assistance." you were walking past Akito's dressing room as you hear him call for you. "You go on Haru, I'll join you in a minute." He nods and continues walking to the feast's location. You enter Akito's room only to be met by his frail physique toppling onto you. "Oh, Y/n, you truly are a gift from the heavens!" ... uh- What's gotten into Akito, and I mean that, Literally!? "H-HUH!?" you couldn't refrain from your shock, "Oh you are just so wonderful, you did an amazing job misguiding the nosy dog sniffing around where his nose doesn't belong- or in that case, the cattle entering no man's land. That would be a more appropriate metaphor." .. No because seriously, what has gotten into Akito. Is he high or something? "I- uh, you're welcome?" before you can continue, Akito pulled you closer into his embrace as you harshly lock lips. The passion between the two of you could write it's own novella and get a published award. Unfortunately for you, that novella would consist of nothing but pure fiction. You two broke apart from each other. He giggled frantically, as though he had just committed a sixth graders ultimate prank. You begin to grow furious by the second as though your world was on a pedestal to be toyed with for the entertainment of others. "I better be going. Hatori is looking for me." you begin to make an exit as Akito attempts to grabs you but misses, causing a now confused feeling arising inside him but he continues to giggle with less passion than before.

You knew this from the very beginning. But for the first time, you started to dislike being Akito's little play thing...

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