Chapter 30~

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As you enter the banquet hall you subconsciously walk towards your original seating arrangement before common sense struck you and you remember suddenly. Blabbering nonsense and peculiar suspicions flooded the room like the Indian Ocean did Thailand in 2004. Accusations struck the ears of the zodiacs like a car crash as you watched slyly, as though it were in slow motion. 

Thankfully, the seat assigned to you was in the same direction you were headed as you continue to walk so not to arouse the already heightened paranoid atmosphere. You sit next to Hatori, which people found strange yet not extra-ordinary as it was not the first time this occurred. Many just believed it was your rebellious streak taking action as they were aware of your recent encounter with the all-so pretentious Akito, yet the details of the experience remained a mystery to all but 3 parties; you, Akito and another unknown. It wasn't brought to your attention that Hatori had accidentally witnessed the incident that occurred between the two of you. As he sat, calm and collectively, his blood boiled with anguish for Akito. He thought to himself the malicious cruelty Akito showed towards you during that encounter, amusing himself at the expense of your feelings was something even he himself could not look past. How Akito toyed you around like as though a ventriloquist with his puppet; it made him psychologically sin. Never less, he ignored his anger. He had to after all. 

Akito makes a grand entrance which summons the room to silence as he speaks, "Thank you all for joining, I see *almost* everyone has made it without trouble." that 'almost' was a punch at Isuzu, who Akito very well knew their location.. Still. it got Hatsu's heart pumping blood at a dozen.

The feast continued as normal, the tension began to slowly decrease. This fact made Akito's entertainment fall and his patience waring thin.

*CLINK* *CLINK *CLINK* The fork combined with the champagne glass for an instant, colliding 3 times which was a declaration for another wave of silence, the announcement begins.

"I'm sure you are all wondering why this sudden gathering was declared. And all though I wish I could say whole heartedly that it was just to ravish in the company of my family," the mass manipulator  dissimulates, " I believe we all know there is an ulterior motive at play here. Afterall, it's not often we are joined by the 'mere human and her pet cat." Kyo's face flushed, half embarrassment, half frustration. "Well, speaking of the 'mere human," everyone's back suddenly straighten and their muscles grow tense in preparation for an upcoming conflict. "I've been contemplating, can we really trust our founded, deep-rooted secret with the likes of normal everyday, PRIVELLEGED people? And what has she shown us, no, even better, what loyalty has she shown ME?" Everyone became hysterical but didn't dare speak out of term, all except one that is. "Hey! how dare you get to make that decision for us? Maybe if you got to know her, if you actually gave her the benefit of the doubt she could show you where her goddamn loyalty lies." Kyo screamed at Akito, hair stood up like that of the cat he symbolises.

"You said you wouldn't Akito! Please! She has been with us for this long, what harm would she possibly bring. There are no more secrets left to uncover. What, after all this time passed, has possessed you to change your mind so quick and callously?" Yuki chirped in. "Are you just destined to hurt us, does it bring you that much pleasure, are you satisfied when we are in ruins? Is that the purpose of your god forsaken existence?" Haru grew with vexation. Before any other could rebel further, Akito steps up. "Ahem, you didn't let me finish. Although now I consider this option further due to your own faulty submission to your god!" Vast amounts of evil fill Akito's eyes, as he directs his glare towards the 3 disobeying, insulting clowns. " I was thinking of a compromise." he bargains, "If you and the girl wish to continue to stay in touch, memory also intact, then," the anticipation builds, Akito played with that even more as he speaks in a slow, killing tone. "The girl.." say it, say it. Your heart bursts inside your chest after every syllable, re-playing like a broken record, adding 10 to the pain every round.



"Marry me."




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