Chapter 31~

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"WHAT!?" Everyone proclaims, almost in sync with each other. It was as though a nuclear bomb just ticked it's final number and now everyone becomes overwhelmed with the fumes, the fumes that originate from your core as you run out the hall to save everyone from the toxicity radiating from you. The toxicity being the bottle cap that just popped, the emotions tamed for life suddenly turning feral, self destructing and devouring everything in sight.

you reach your room, first the papers of built-up stories that once sat on the desk, next the small rounded mirror which hung above your bed, then the body-filled mirror directly opposing the bed, the bottles, all until your floor became a sea of polluted fragments. Glass, paper, plastic, anything within those four walls which stood beyond 2cm above ground level now sunk further than bedrock. The shattered fragments bouncing from impact left cuts every meter of your surface area till your skin was painted two different shades. Hatori heard the commotion from down the hall as he followed you through your outbreak and was guested by horror as his eyes begin to take in the surrounded ruins of those same four walls whilst turning the corner through to your door. The most shocking thing of all, you slouched build, weak and vulnerable, over faced with human negatives. As you have not seen your emotions in a long time, neither has Hatori. Anyone but him would question if you were even capable of such complex things. Hatori slowly guides a safe path through the weapons of the floor and embraces you with a shoulder, a shield from reality, with him here, nothing left could harm you, and your weakness could roam free.

That occurrence continued for a long 7 minutes before you finally gain a slight chance of composure. Soon after, with a long, father-like bonding conversation with Hatori, you clean yourself up best you can and he licks your wounds like any good protector would (not literally! its just a phrase, he bandages you up.) and you head back to the hall. Thankfully, everyone there was too pre-occupied with the absurd demands of Akito to even acknowledge you.

"you can't do this."

"What do you want with her."

"I will not allow Tohru to move to the main estate with you. With your tantrums Akito, she could be seriously injured."

"You bastard!" (take your pick who this one might be.)

The insults and faulty reasoning continued for minutes on end before a glass was thrown to the wall, causing it to shatter and you flinch in remembrance of the recent events that just took place before relocating. It was Akito, he was furious.

"Wait!" the coward herself decides to finally speak up. "I'll do it!" she whines, teary eyes.

Everyone stood there looking more surprised, shocked, disturbed than ever before. Even Akito's unfeasible rage came to a substitute of shock, as he himself didn't imagine her actually agreeing to it. "I'll marry you!" she bawls.

Suddenly, you wonder to yourself, "how can someone allow themselves to show their vulnerabilities so easily. How can she allow herself to look so pitiful Infront of all these conniving individuals? How is it so easy for her..?"


An hour passes by..


"Y/n." Hatori enters your now clean but bare room. "Akito is asking for you." he says hesitantly. "Okay." you say, sounding lifeless as you begin to drag your way to Akito's room. As you arrive you enter without notice. This startled Akito, rewarding you with a harsh slap across your left cheek as soon as he reached you without hesitation. You were not fazed by this, your once deep sea turquoise eyes remain there now more permanent stone colour, looking heavy and fatigued. Your non-reactive response earns you another, this time he strikes along the right cheek. "And that ones for the mess you caused. You really made Hatori work hard to clean that up." you still stare to the ground, unpleased and oblivious. Akito grows angry yet confused and a hint of concern, he pulls your sleeves and reveals every piece of skin he has easy access to at that time, revealing the faint wounds the glass left etched onto your figure. "You knew this was happening, why did you react so foolishly?" you begin to form a sentence, "I suppose me and you aren't as different as we like to believe." Akito chuckles slightly at that, although you're not to sure if he's pleased he finally got an answer out of you or whether it was the crafty comment you made.

"I'm concerned for you." He turns to serious again. "Tch." you scowl at him. He takes offense but doesn't lash out just yet. "What? Am I not allowed to care for you, what heartless bastard do you take me for exactly Y/n?" he seems genuinely taken back by your sudden change in attitude "Don't kid me Akito." you snarl, "I know you had your fun toying with me, and I must admit you stringing me along as cunning as you have entertained my darker thoughts too. But enough is enough, don't you think I've grown too old to be playing games?" your voice hung sharp with hostility. "EXCUSE ME!?" Akito couldn't fathom your distaste. "If you're done with me, I'd like to return back to my room. After all, no one likes a broken play-thing." you turn to walk away but he grabs your arm, swings you towards him and pummels you with ungodly strength and bare-back knuckle straight in the face. You flinch slightly so he misses the most fragile bone being your nose and strikes right below your right eye, awakening a nasty bruise. He then proceeds to through you to the floor, "OUT! I WANT YOU OUT NOW! LEAVE THIS ESTATE AND DON'T EVEN BREATH YOUR PATHETIC EXISTENCE NEAR ITS ENTERANCE AGAIN! BETTER YET, GO CURL UP IN A DITCH TO DIE SOMEWHERE!" He's angry, He's extremely angry. "If that's what you wish My lord." a sinister grin appears on your face provoking Akito more, but before he reaches another opportunity you bolt through the doors, through the halls, past your bedroom not stopping for and instant to collect any sort of supplies and run straight through the door heading straight for the main estate lower housing, straight for the gates into the nothingness.

"Y/N!" Hatori cries in pain as he hates to watch you go but furthermore you go. you go and go and suddenly you are met with an ordinary, deserted wasteland which seems to be a park. You sneak through the abandoned rusty pipes that lie centre and you follow through with your order.

You curl up into the smallest possible ball of confinement and you wait until death greets you. Hoping that soon, death will greet you...

One-sided love/ Akito x readerDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu