Chapter 35~

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"What was that, Akito." you say as you enter his room. You were quite pissed that he strung you along like that and you were even more pissed at yourself for falling into it. However, nothing could top the anger you felt that Akito accused you of being a drunken lightweight. If there's one thing you know, is you can hack the ways of the drink. "I need to talk to you." Akito says, whilst playing with a strand of your hair, entangling in within his delicate fingers. "Go on." you insist, growing impatient. Akito then pulls you into a passionate embrace, locking lips aggressively as you begin to wrestle your tongues. Your surprise allows Akito to gain on you, as he dominates your mouth and pulling your hips towards him, locking you in place on his thigh. As you break away, you continue, "That wasn't much talking." you say, inches away from his petite, gorgeous face. He sniggers back at you before breaking away and heading to his cabinet. Scuttling around for something. "Ah!" he proclaims, indicating that this something had been found. Akito pulls out a silver tied and black sapphire stone ring sat nicely within a red velvet casing with golden seems. "What do you think, is it suitable for my bride-to-be?" he questions. That all familiar void begins to feel your body once again. You look up at him, and then back at the ring, then at the floor. "It's.. beautiful." you say with a depressing, dull tone. "Well, that's good to hear." he then begins to kneel down before you, meeting your gaze.

" Y/n, L/n, I love you more than life itself. Not just as my most loyal zodiac companion and follower. But, as the earth can only function with the moon consistently orbiting around it, Allowing even the darkest nights within its existence be filled with even the dimmest light. Please allow me to properly fulfil your wishes and expectations of me as you have to me all these years. Allow me to be the other half of you that you so desperately desire. Will you give me the honour of having you as mine and all mine, till death do us part." You stood, stunned with disbelief. Your thoughts fly ten to the dozen. Questions fill areas of your mind you didn't know were reachable. Tears begin to flow freely from your eyes. Akito jumps to his feet to wipe away the flow with the soft skin of his hand, still holding out the ring to you. "But why." you manage to spit out. "Akito, why."  he smiles softly, "Well. There is an ulterior motive at play, I won't lie to you." You pull back harshly. " I knew it was too good to be true." you say under your breath, only just loud enough for Akito to hear. "You didn't let me finish." he snaps back politely. "It's true. I've pondering on the thought,  'what will I do after marrying the human?' and 'what is my end goal.' as I was positive would refuse. I don't want to marry this girl. It would be my worst nightmare, having her so close to me consistently. And then it dawned on me, you can't remarry.. if you are already married." you were disgusted but simultaneously impressed, "well, it is genius. And it's obvious I would be your puppet. You've really out-done yourself this time Akito. Wicked you really are." Akito looks at you, with a saddened expression on his face. " Y/n, I meant every word I said," he walks closer to you once again, cupping your face with his hands and looking at you sincerely.

 " I don't expect you to believe me, after all, I've hurt you too many times to demand your trust. But I promise you, on my title of God, when you went missing I turned sick to my stomach. The thought of something happening to you, I couldn't stand it. I went looking for you, every night. The woods, The hut, HatsuHaru's, Shigure's, Even where Tohru Honda was originally found in her tent. I was so scared something had happened to you. I thought I lost my dazzling Y/n for good and it would have been all my fault." Akito held tears in his eyes, it was obvious at this point. He wasn't manipulating us, he was being genuinely honest. " I want to make the most of this cursed life. And if I have to live it out. I would want nothing more than to be aligned with you throughout it. Yes, our marriage would suit my short-term goals, because If Tohru Honda doesn't marry me, her memory will be erased. But, long-term wise, it would be like we've always dreamed. You and I darling." He was filled with sincerity, "And I know we wouldn't have a big flashy wedding like you had hoped for, but I promise you princess, after all of this has been dealt with, I would take you to the most royal honeymoon you could imagine and better. You would be the centre of my core. I swear down on all that I am." he gets back on his knee, placing his free hand right on his heart, as if forging a soul-bonding promise to the words he just spoken.

 "Yes.." you whisper. Akito's eyes widen. "what?" he begins to grin childishly, "Yes. I would love to be your wife." you say, a childish smile on your face as well. Akito becomes overfilled with joy, as though rejection was actually a possibility within this scenario and he just sealed a deal with an angel. He hugs you tightly, burying his head in your nape. You return the embrace. 

>>> Time skip >>>

Akito returned to the meeting and cancelled it, saying something urgent had come up and he needed Hatori's assistance immediately. Of course, he reassured everyone, letting them know it didn't concern you and that you were happy and well. 'soundly sleeping in your bed.'

"You've got to be kidding me!?" Hatori proclaims. You two break the news in his office, "And why wasn't I made aware of this sooner?" He grunts, "Well, as foolish as it may sound," Akito looks at you," I didn't know if she would actually say yes." you begin to grow confused as did Hatori. "After how you had been acting recently, I feared I might have killed your feelings for me and that the hope you had of our future had faded into nothingness. I thought you would call me out on my antics and refuse due to this also fitting in with my recent plans. And I trembled at the idea you wouldn't believe the words I told you were the truth. That's why I was honest with you from the start and decided to face the consequences of my actions if it came to rejection." You and Hatori were both shocked. "Wow Akito, that's rather mature of you. I'm impressed." Akito grunts at Hatori's remark. " Akito.." you whimper. He lets out a small smile to you.

 "So, what would you have done if Y/n did reject your proposal." Akito sighed, he hated this 'being honest about his feelings'. "Well.. I would have called off the wedding." Once again you stood in shock. " Oh, don't look at me like that!" he snarls. " Why would you? I don't understand." you say, " Huh!? You don't? Fool, It's obvious. It would be my final attempt to win you over." you begin to fill with regret. Maybe if you did turn down his proposal, you wouldn't have to remain a secret. But then again. Partnership is all about making each other happy and if being an underling is what it takes to rid yourselves of this shared enemy then you were determined to follow it through." Do you regret it now?" It was almost like Akito was in your head. " I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about it, but no. I don't." He smiles in relief to hear you say those words.

 " So Hatori, do I get your blessing." Hatori is startled by such an absurd question, "Why would you need my blessing?" he responds, "Well, I see how you treat Y/n, you're almost like a father figure to them. So it's only right I ask you." You two both get flustered by that comment, refusing to admit the truth it holds in it. "Hypothetically speaking, am I even allowed to refuse?" Akito grins, " Why of course you are, at the cost of your job that is." Hatori frowns, creating lines across his forehead, "Then there was no bother asking." He coughs up. "I'm joking. Please, give me your honest answer. Regardless of anything else." Akito pleas. Hatori looks at the two of you, then at Akito and then back at you, "Well, in my best judgement I would say no, but, knowing Y/n and the happiness it would bring them, as well as your supposed sincerity, I will accept." He says. Akito lets out a sigh of relief as well as a small smile growing in his cheeks. "But, If you hurt her Akito, I will be forced to remove Y/n from this household and potentially resign my position here as well. As I will do anything to keep her safe, Even if that means disobeying you." Hatori says sternly, then turning to look at you. " I understand. It won't come to that, you have my word." Akito swears, surprisingly accepting to Hatori's words.  

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