Chapter 27~

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A couple of weeks for preparation had past and today was the proposal date. The whole Sohma family were invited to another holiday at the Cabin estate to celebrate another thanksgiving.

Everyone was beginning to arrive. Obviously Akito, you and Hatori first. You had all arrived the night before to decorate and clean for the others arrival. Even Akito himself contributed which shocked the both of you. "Whats the big idea? Get those profound looks of your faces." He commanded.

Fast forward to the next night, everyone started collecting together. Ayami arrived first, with an extraordinary entrance as expected. Next was Ritsu with Kureno, ritsu obviously cowering behind the rooster. Then Hatsuharu arrived with the youngest, Kisa and Hiro. You gave Haru a soft smile as he walked inside. "Hey, y/n." He returned your smile and you could feel your cheeks getting slightly hot, you shake it off though. Momiji came next, as darling as ever. "Greetings Hatori, Hello y/n. What a lovely evening we have here." He says in his adorable german accent. "Indeed, momiji." Hatori nods at him as he enters the cabin. He leaves us with the same beaming grin. The last were of course Yuki, Shigure, the cat and of course, Tohru Honda. "Sorry we are so late Hatori, the traffic up here was murder. Not to mention the... issues we ran into on the way." Shigure glares at kyo, who is of course arrogantly disrespectful as ever. He gives Hatori the cold shoulder. "Well, it's nice to see you Y/n."

*"Get the fuck out of my face you conniving infiltrator."* Is what you wish you could have said. But still, you greet her with a tolerant yet cold response, "Hi Tohru. Nice to see you." And wish that, you all travel inside the cabin together.

It's surprising that Akito invited the beast in here. After all, the cat is not meant to be at the gatherings. It's traditional. But then again we all know Tohru Honda wouldn't of come without Everyone being invited.

You help everyone with their luggage. Ayami nearly had a heart attack by the sight of you touching his luggage. "Oh no no no no! Careful dear, here here! Pass it to me. I'll be taking this myself." You just sigh and let it down with a light thud which lead to Ayami bursing out a sharp breath.

After the commotion, everyone had settled in their rooms and you sit in the lounge connected to the kitchen where Hatori was preparing the meat for tomorrow. You were just having small talk until Kyo comes downstairs and all conversation ceased immediately. He came and wondered around for a bit, fake-interested in the decor around the cabin before he ominously says, "why am i here?" Still staring at a abstract expressionism painting on the left of the back wall. The silence continued for a few seconds. You look to Hatori, he gives you a slight glance and then continues to chopping. "Aye!?" Kyo now faces the both of us, his tone slightly aggressive. Hatori glares at him for a few seconds before looking back down at his duties and questioning, "whatever do you mean Kyo? You're famil-"

"I'm the cat. The cat doesn't come to the family banquets." Hatori lets out a sigh before putting his knife down. "Who ever said you were coming to the banquet." You quickly chirp. Hatori finishes for you, "exactly. Just because you can't come to the banquet doesn't make you any less of a zodiac. You must pay your dues here like the rest of us. Now try and enjoy yourself Kyo. It's a holiday." That changed Kyo's expression back to normal. "If thats the case," he begins to approach us, "why has Tohru just been demanded to join the meal. She's got nothing to do with this god-ridden curse!" His slight angst tone turns to pure anguish screaming by this point. Thank god Hatori was here.

"Whatever Akito decides is beyond us Kyo. We are merely just serving the head of the family. He has no obligation to share his business with us." Kyo becomes angered once again, "THATS BULLSHIT!" His fist slams onto the stair wall, "I'd believe that of y/n, but you're his left-hand man. You must know something!" Hatori ignores his a accusations and returns to the kitchen. Kyo quickly looks at you.*i'm sorry Kyo.* you think to yourself as you shake your head and shrug, an innocent and sympathetic look on your face. He sighs viciously before storming upstairs, hands in pockets. What a holiday this is going to be.

One-sided love/ Akito x readerWhere stories live. Discover now