Chapter 33~

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⚠️contains slight smut⚠️

Walking through the gates built for an empire, you pass the streets that lead to the final destination. The journey of self-discovery and self-destruction ends here.

Hatori enters the door and holds it open, an invitation for you to step inside. A Slight hesitation overcomes you but you quickly shake it off and continue through with whatever lies ahead. To your surprise, Akito stands in the entrance room, pacing back and fourth until he notices you.  He throws himself over you which leaves your now even smaller, neglected frame stunned as you collapse backwards in a up sitting position, your arms struggling to support both your own and Akito's weight. he lifts himself up slightly, now just hovering over you. "silly, silly girl." he mutters to himself whilst turning his head,  "you smell like shit. Go shower and then head straight down to my room after!" He ordered.

After showering, drying your no longer mangled pink locks and moisturising your now peachy skin, you head to Akito's room as he commanded. "Come in." he says just as you reach the ledge, not even giving you a chance to knock. As you enter, you are faced with the back of Akito, "I thought I told you to come straight to my room after you're finished showering?" You were confused, "Um, I did Akito. I just needed to moisturise and dry my hai-" He moves towards you in a flash, you tense up ready for impact. Akito begins to tug on your clothes, fondling the lace at the bottom of your shirt.

⚠️Slight Smut paragraph here⚠️
He leans into your ear and sings ever so slightly "Last time I checked, you don't shower with clothes on." You grow flustered by the unexpected comment, he begins to trickle small sweet kisses down the side of your nape whilst using the back-face of his delicate hands to lift your hair in order to assure easier access to your very known sweet spots. "a-Akito.." you whimper, he chuckles slightly. "Akito," you say with a little strength, which catches his attention. "hm?" he smirks at you sadistically, causing a instant rise in temptation.

{ End of smut. }

"You're getting married, you can't keep doing this." you stand your guard, this irked Akito. "Why is it you care so much about plainly simple business matter." he storms away from you in a tuff. "Y/n," he says with sincerity, "I promise.. It's just business." He caresses your cheek. "Maybe to you Akito, but the severity of the situation to me is quite different to me.." He grows angry with you, "SO?!.. What now, you're just going to abandon me huh?" You seem quite hurt by such an accusation, "Of course not! I'm here now aren't I? I'll be here as long as you require me to be. It's just, you don't understand.." he then takes your chin, forcing you to look at him , "You love me, huh?" he looks at you with gleaming eyes, "Explain it to me." He orders softly.

"Well, to you, You only keep me satisfied because you fear I'll abandon you. So, you manipulate my wants to keep me strung along. And, it's not a bad thing. But, to me, the reason I become intimate with you is because, as weird as it may sound, it's the closest I can get to being inside your skin.." Akito was stunned by that last sentence. " want to be me?.." he questions, sounding quite threatened. "No, Not to be you, to be united with you, to be one, like the vows... in marriage. To be the only one you're thinking of in those passionate moments. I don't love you Akito.. I'm INLOVE with you.." you quickly turn away, like an amateur preparing for a bosses battle, not ready for the depth of rejection. "B-but I know that that is absurd. After all, you're my god, and I am a zodiac. It's pathetic wishful-thinking. I know. But still, you wanted to know and who am I to refuse you. I'm not expecting a response." You scuttle so desperately to save yourself.

"I don't think it's absurd." Akito quickly blurts out. You turn in shock. "I admire your courage for being so open about your emotions Y/n, and I also feel a deep connection towards you, regardless what it is. Unfortunately, business is business, and the sacred curse we hold within our community, this business that I need to follow through, will always come first."

There it was. The heartbreak that prepared yourself for so hard but still swept you away with the element of surprise so harshly. So, I guess that's the end of that fantasy. Stupid, stupid Akito for getting your hopes so high like that. Stupid, stupid you for forgetting the main trait of your forsaken Lord, that being that he creates vulnerabilities.

"I understand." You submit defeat. Pitiful defeat.

One-sided love/ Akito x readerWhere stories live. Discover now