The End For All Ends

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Amelia's POV

Amelia slammed on the brakes and yanked at the steering wheel. Trying to avoid the light, but the flash was too much. Amelia put her arm in front of Lucia as they skidded on the slippery road. The car screeched against the concrete, falling off and onto the grass. With a final violent jerk the car stuttered before coming to a violent stop, the hood kissing a tree. With her ears ringing Amelia opened her eyes, but Lucia was gone.

"LUCIA?!" Amelia searched for her girlfriend, her head turning back and forth in the car. Taking a deep breath, Amelia scanned her surroundings. Finally she noticed the shattered windshield, taking off her seatbelt Amelia slowly pushed over her door. Creeping out of her car, she walked to the hood and froze. Her girlfriend laid unmoving, her body crumbled and bleeding. A large gash left open on her face, hands shaking Amelia didn't realize she had taken steps forward, didn't feel herself pull her phone out of her pocket, didn't hear the 9-1-1 call. By the time she had snapped out of her shock, Amelia was sitting in the hospital with Bri kneeling in front of her.

"i, Ami?" Her voice was distorted, like her friend was underwater. "Amelia?" Bri's voice started to become more clear, the ringing in Amelia's ears finally stopped and she felt tears falling from her face.

"It's okay..." Bri cradled Amelia's face in her hands, "Luc is awake." With steady hands, Bri led Amelia down dizzying hallways and sharp turns. Up and down stairs, across a glass bridge and into the ER, past one door then another. More stairs, more walking. Until they finally arrived at Lucia's room, the haunting metal doors and dark lights. Amelia's chest tightened, she began to feel her heart rate spike, her head span as Bri pushed the doors open.

There sat Lucia, with bandages across her head and chest. Her left leg was wrapped in a cast with Bri's scribbles running across them. Her back was supported by multiple braces that ran across her spine.

All in all, she looked awful.

"Guess I won't be playing anytime soon." With the world's goofiest grin, Lucia winked at Amelia. "Try not to lose too hard without me okay?"

"Lucia I..." The words were caught in Amelia's throat. Her hands trembling as she saw Lucia's broken body, the accident was her fault. She had ruined Lucia's life, she had...

"Ami!" A paper ball hit Amelia in the forehead, the little wad distracting Amelia from her spiral. "Hello??" Her girlfriend was calling for her.

Lucia pointed at the paper at Amelia's feet, the faint marks of a pen were scribbled across them. Slowly Amelia knelt down onto her knee, she picked up the paper ball with care and unfolded it. Confused, she picked out the object and held it to Lucia with a head tilt.

"OH!" Lucia cried dramatically, "Yes Amelia! I Will Marry You!!"

"Wheh!" Amelia's eyes widened as she realized she had been tricked. With her face growing red, Amelia's voice shook the building when she screamed "LUCI---" 

Editors Note: I apologize for taking so long, This was a long time coming. Enjoy the Finale to end all ends.

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