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Lucia woke up in a tiny room. She tried to get up but found herself chained down. Her body was cold against the concreate slab. 'Where am I?' She thought. Lucia closed her eyes, then pushed up. Forcing the chains apart. 'what cheap chains.' Lucia looked at the shattered chains as she rubbed her arms. Unsure of what to do, Lucia decided to take a nap.

From across the room, a door opened. 

"How is she STILL asleep?" One voice said.

"Who cares? Luz is missing!" Replied another.

"If they find out Luz is missing..." A third voice trailed off.

Lucia was tired of the silence. "Why does Luz's disappearance matter so much?" Lucia asked sitting up. 

The children screamed, their voices echoing off the walls.

"So Luz is missing?" Lucia asked after they had finished screaming. 

"How are you awake!" Yelled the first voice, it was the girl with glasses.

"How long have you been lying there? Did... Did you snap the chains!" Screamed the second voice. It was that three eyed freak. 

"Luz is a QUEEN!" Screamed Amelia Jr.

"Huh?" Lucia looked at Amelia Jr. "What does that mean."

"Amity here just love Luz sooo much." Three eyes said trying to draw Lucia's attention away. "She treats her like a Queen."

"So who are you again?" Glasses asked.

"I would like to know as well." A voice cut in. Standing at the door was the boy and the girl in red.

All eyes turned to Lucia. 

With a sigh Lucia stood up. She towered over the children. "Lucia Noceda, age 23, gold medalist." She made sure to wink at Amelia Jr. However all the children gagged which caused Lucia's smile to falter.

"So Lucia... If that is your real name." The boy began breaking the silence. He was sitting on a table. 

"It is." Lucia confirmed.

"Lucia... is there anything you want to ask us?" He asked.

"Where am I?" Lucia said looking at him.

"In case you WERE wondering both myself and Willow are Available." He said the last word with emphasis. 

"You are about to be available for real if you keep this up." Glasses responded coldly. Lucia couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"So that soon to be single guy is Gus." Red said pointing at her friend. "My name is Skara, then it's Willow." The girl in glasses waved. "Boscha." The three eyed freak winked? Lucia wasn't sure if it was a wink or a blink. "And finally Amity." Amelia Jr gave a nod.

Lucia looked at the children. "I don't really care. Now where AM I?" Lucia demanded.

"The Boiling Isles." Three eyes responded. "Think like an alternate Earth with magic instead of tech." She continued as noticing Lucia's confusion.

There were millions of question in Lucia's mind. But one stood out. "Why does it matter if Luz is missing?" She directed the question at Skara, who seemed like the most put together of the group.

"You should sit down for this." Three eyes responded gesturing to the table.

> 1 Hour Later<

"SO, when you overthrew the Emperor what did you change?" Lucia asked after three eyes had finished speaking.


"When you overthrow a government." Lucia began speaking slowly. "You do it to implement changes that are in most cases oppressing people. SO when YOU lot." Lucia gestured to all the children. "Became the new government, What did you change?"

"Nothing..." Three eyes squeaked out. "We just needed to defeat Belos.

"SO you put thousands of lives at risk, shook society and murdered a man in cold blood. For nothing?" Lucia said harshly.

"When you put it like that, it almost sounds bad." Willow said.

Lucia was getting a headache. Her brain melting from the sheer stupidity. "One rebellion faction will inspire others. Especially if you do NOTHING for 5 years. You guys are a useless goverment !" Lucia knew she was older but how could these children not realize. "You guys are on a one way trip to ASSAINATION!" Lucia said loudly.

The children looked at one another.

"let me guess there have already been attempts on you lives."

The children nodded.

"That's It! Take me to the main goverment branch." Lucia said.

"That's like an hour plus away." Amity said.

"I don't care! I am Fixing your goverment!" Lucia yelled as she got up from her chair and walked towards the exit.

> Editor's note:

Sorry for the delay, I keep forgetting to post.

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