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It had been a week since her run in with Bri, Luz was now rehomed to a new apartment. It was located in central downtown, less than five minutes from public transport in all directions. The building itself came with a private gym, pool, restaurant and was forty floors tall. Her windows were shut with blackout curtains hiding away the light, paranoid about the possible paparazzi Luz was sitting in her private suite, flipping through TV channels. Bored out of her mind, she continued to watch mindless television. Eventually she stumbled across an interview with a blond, scruffy haired man. He had familiar eyes and an eerie air around him. But before she could continue to investigate, Luz's phone rang. Surprised at the buzzing, Luz grabbed her phone and sighed. Annoyed she grabbed her keys and walked to the elevator. It was time.

While Living in a one bedroom flat had its benefits unfortunately now Luz had no private transportation. With no license, Luz hopped onto public transport. She missed the days of flying on a staff as the bus took off slowly. She watched as a young man in a suit ran after the bus. Screaming as he tried to get the drivers attention. Luz waved at the man as the Bus drove away, leaving him in the dust. Luz continued to look out the window as the buildings blurred past, grey on grey on grey. Earth was so boring, there was no color. No bright magic spells flying past. Eventually Luz arrived as she stepped off the bus and walked into a large concrete building, she took a shaky breath.

Now Luz was sitting in a lawyers office. Her legs brushing against the ground as she looked around. Certificates, bookshelves and expensive art covered the walls. A large oak desk sat in the center. Her eyes cast side to side as she tapped her fingers on the chair. She tried to read the words on the documents but found she could not. Squinting Luz concentrated harder, 

'did I seriously forget how to read English?' Luz grunted in discomfort as she glared at the paper, trying to decipher the words. However her concentration was destroyed when the door behind her swung open.

"Hello Ms. Noceda." Said a familiar voice. Heels clicked on the wood floor as a woman walked in.
Luz spun around and looked into fierce grey eyes. Eyes that she hadn't seen in many years.

"Skara?" The words tumbled out as Luz stood up. She almost jumped to hug the woman before stopping herself. Standing awkwardly, Luz decided to wave.

The lady raised an eyebrow as she sat down at the desk. As she looked at Luz, not Skara frowned perplexed. Meanwhile Amelia walked in and pointed at the chairs. With a quick motion Amelia got Luz to settle down. But while Luz was a ball of nervous energy, Amelia was taking the empty chair with an air of importance.

"I understand that you are here to talk about the inheritance." Not Skara said, her voice was cold and calculating. Not Skara shuffled some papers on her desk as she frowned.

'Right.' Luz mumbled as she avoided eye contact. Lucia was missing and currently presumed dead. Amelia was written on paper as her sole inheritor, but the sudden appearance of Luz threw a wrench into the situation. Now Luz was dealing in the wonderful legal world of the American Justice System.

"My name is Sabine Song and I am Lucia Noceda's lawyer." Not Skara said extending a hand. Luz awkwardly took it as she studied the lawyer. Sabine was around Lucia's age, her voice was meaner than Skara's. Like she never went through a redemption arc.

But that wasn't the important part. Despite herself, Luz continued to stare at Sabines eyes in awe. Unsettled but interested Luz continued to stare right into Sabine's tired eyes.

"Is there something you need to ask me?" The lawyer asked returning Luz's stare. Her voice was cold and slightly aggressive towards the teen.

"How are you not blind?" The words spilled out of Luz's mouth.

Both Amelia and Skara blinked in shock before Amelia smacked Luz's arm. The pitcher looked like she had lost some brain cells as she looked at Luz.

It took a moment for Luz to realize what she had said. She frowned awkwardly as she looked away "Sorry" she whimpered. "It's just you look like my friend, who is blind because my girlfriend's mom tricked her into pouring bleach into her eyes."

Sabine had a look of disbelief as Amelia let out an exasperated sigh. The two shared a look before looking at Luz. Wide eyed, Sabine coughed before grabbing some paper to get back to the comfortable legal stuff.

"So Luz, how much of Lucia's inheritance do you plan to fight for?" Sabine managed to cough out, the lawyer still reeling from the her blind look alike.

Luz sat in silence, her mind doing cartwheels as her mouth opened like a fish. Eventually she found herself and blinked slowly, "Shouldn't I get a job or something?"

Beside her, Amelia's eyes widened in surprise. "Luz, you can have the money. Lucia would have wanted you to have it." The pitcher was shocked at Luz's non-chalet answer about the millions she was set to inherit.

"But it's not mine." Luz responded. It was such a simple thing. One signature and she could live her life as a millionaire, never to work again. But Luz had spent so long on the Isles, that her thoughts on wealth had changed. "I saw what being rich did to Amity's parents. I don't need that." 


Hours later Amelia and Luz left. They walked to Amelia's car and settled in. Amelia glanced at Luz as the teen put her seatbelt on. The catcher tried to put her keys into the ignition only to horribly miss.

"Are you sure you don't want more?" Amelia asked as she struggled to put in her keys.

"Nah, I think I should get a job." Luz replied as she waited for Amelia to start driving.

But just as Amelia got her keys into the ignition, Luz's phone rang. She pulled out the phone and hit the speaker button.

"Hey, you free?" Bri asked. "Because we wanna play a quick game but we need some more players." 

Luz and Amelia looked at each other. Amelia simply smiled as Luz felt a grin forming on her face. 

"What park are you at?" Luz asked as Amelia put her car in reverse.

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