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It was 7:00 PM when Lucia stood in her dorm room, 10,000 miles from home. A loose tie around her neck as she trekked to her bed.

"Gross." Amelia complained as she looked over the other girls outfit. Finding the purple tie to clash with the crimson red.

"Have you seen my beanie?" Lucia asked her roomie as she lifted clothing off the ground. She walked past the wall mirror and wandered into the bathroom.

"Why do you even wear that thing?" Amelia asked as she applied red lipstick, looking into the her compact with a confident smile. She fixed her mascara as they talked.

"Hey! My baby sister gave that to me." Lucia said as she walked to her bed and peaked under it. Her tie falling dropping onto the bed when she raised her head.

"It's in the laundry." Amelia said bluntly. Amelia took one look at her roommate and snapped her compact shut. With a tired sigh she grabbed Lucia by the shoulder and spun the girl around. With steady hands Amelia picked up the tie from the bed and began weaving it around Lucia's neck.

"Geh" Lucia complained as soft perfume tickled at her nose. Her mouth dangerously close to Amelia's lips.

Amelia finished, but her hands lingered on Lucia's tie.

"Hey lovebirds, our taxi is here!" Winona yelled, banging on the door frame with a smirk.

The two girls pulled apart embarrassed. With a red face, Amelia turned and stormed out the door, past Winona with a frown. Lucia stopped at the mirror, checking to make sure her hair was neat before joining her friends.

Lucia and Winona walked down the halls and into the waiting taxi. Amelia rolled her eyes as they sat down, she was... grumpy.

The driver was silent, taking them down the long winding streets.

Stopping in front of the restaurant doors. The expensive restaurant hosted some of the biggest celebrities, and the trio were no different. Walking down the red carpet of the restaurant made them feel likes stars. Reporters flocked the the metal barrier. Yelling questions while fans cheered, both sides praying for even the smallest acknowledgement.

 Amelia walked right past, not looking at the crowd. Winona gave a polite smile as she waved sheepishly. But Lucia slowed down as she smiled at the camera, flashing her signature grin. The media roared with love, camera's flashing as she walked past. Fan's excitedly waved banners and merchandise. Lucia picked a handmade poster from the smallest child she could see. Scribbling her signature before handing it back with a wink. The crowd laughed and cheered as she entered the restaurant.

"3 months and already a star." Bri teased as Lucia pulled up a chair.

"Jealous?" Lucia retorted as she gave Bri a fist bump.

Amelia rolled her eyes as Winona drank some champagne. The four sat at their table and enjoyed their night.

Bri laughed as they talked, a soft smile leaving her lips. Winona choked on her drink, struggling to catch her breath. All the while Amelia kept a straight face, but Lucia could see a faint twinkle in her eyes. Overall Lucia was happy, she snapped a photo and sent it to her sister. It had been a while since she had gotten a reply, but she was sure to always send in little photos and videos. 'She would love this, I have to take her and mom here sometime.' Lucia promised to herself.

As Bri talked the TV behind her flashed breaking news. The Golden Globes being interrupted.

"23 children have gone missing." The anchor said. "If you have any information on these children please contact the local authorities."

One by one the names and faces of different children flashed on the screen.

"A shame." Winona said as she sipped her champagne.

Amelia and Bri both nodded in agreement. Lucia ate her food, uninterested in ruining her night with missing children.

"...da" Said the anchor.

"Lucia? Isn't that your sister?" Winona said grabbing Lucia's arm and pointing at the screen.

Lucia dropped her fork, the metal clanging on the table then nosediving onto the floor. It was only for a second, but Lucia saw a small purple hoodie and the smiling face of Luz Noceda, her little sister.

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