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"Who are you?" Amelia screeched at the child in her Porsche. Her tires screeched against the asphalt as she skidded to a stop.  Amelia called it a child, but it was actually a young adult. With fluffy dark hair and marks dancing on her skin. She had a strange look in her eyes.

"Are you... human?" It asked gently.

'Something is wrong with this kid' Amelia blinked in shock. "What else... would I be?" She managed to sputter out in confusion. 'Oh God is this an thief? Am I about to get robbed?' The green haired heroine eyed the baseball bat in her backseat. She was sure she would be able to grab it before the child could react.

"Am I on Earth?" It was crying now. It's tears spraying on the dash.

 Immediately Amelia froze, her flight or fight response kicking in. She softened as she unbuckled her seatbelt and put a hand on the child's shoulder.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. I'm right here, look at me okay?" Amelia guided the child's gaze to her, they looked into each other eyes.

"Who are you?" It asked sniffling, tears dripping down her face. Her dark brown puppy dog eyes made Amelia soften even more.

But then she realized what the child had just said. "Who AM I? WHO AM I!" She yelled. "I am Amelia Mar, the greatest softball player in recent history. My skills are said to surpass those of Babe Ruth! Amelia puffed out her chest in pride as she grinned at the child.

"I doubt that." It replied.

Amelia's grin melted into a frown. Her eyes grew wide as she looked at the watery eyed child. 

"I mean.. the best is relative. Also the word best is subjective, in actuality there is no such thing as best." It said simply.

Unable to think of a retort, Amelia buckled her seatbelt and started her engine.

 "Hey! Where are You taking me!!!" The child screamed from the top of her lungs as the doors locked.

Amelia raised her eyes, "do you want me to leave you here?" She said gesturing to the empty field around them. The child considered her options. Her head spinning as she looked at the area before slumping her shoulders and buckling her seatbelt. 

Amelia took that as a 'no' and made a U-turn.  Headed back down the winding roads towards the city. 'When I get home I am taking a warm bath, calling 9-1-1 and getting Lucia to pick up something nice to eat. 'LUCIA!' Amelia began to panicked as she reached for her phone.

"By the way, my name is Luz." said the child

Amelia slammed on the breaks, sending the child flying into her seatbelt. Shocked the pitcher looked at the child and reached over. With unsteady hands, she poked the child on the cheek.

"OW!" Luz yelled as she slapped Amelia's hand away.

"You're Luz Noceda?!"

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