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Luz, Boscha, Amity and Skara sat in Bump's office. The four girls had bruises as they sat in silence.

"I have no words." Bump said with seething with rage.

'Despite having no words, Bump yelled at us for 4 hours.' Luz wrote in her journal in detention. Detention had changed at Hexside in the last five years. Now it was in a classroom similar to the detention track. 

 The four girls sat in the corners of the room, each facing a wall. A paper ball hit Luz on the back of the head. Disgruntled Luz turned around and frowned. Amity made a heart with her hands as she winked at the human. Feeling her face blush, she carefully opened the note. Her anger replaced by curiosity. 

'Learned a new teleportation spell, wanna try after school?'

With a grin Luz grabbed a notebook from her bag, the dark blue cover had hints of gold.  She turned and nodded at Amity, who in turn threw another ball. Luz flipped to a new page and began writing notes. Copying down all the info Amity sent her way.

Skara sat tapping her fingers against the table. She listened to the chirping birds outside. She could hear the clock ticking, the wind outside the window, could feel the sun as it warmed her exposed skin. She hummed a melody, the time passing by. She could hear the rustling of paper and pens. Books being pulled in and out of a bag. The bard rested her head in her arms and decided to nap away her boredom.

After being released, the four met with Gus and Willow on the Grudgby field. The two witchling's chilling on the grass and eating snacks. Everyone sat down, drinking juice and watching Amity intently. With a shaky breath, the girl calmed her nerves. Taking slow yet deliberate movements, Amity began the spell. Her arms moving around her as she danced. Boscha spoke in a hushed voice as she described the movements to Skara. Willow and Gus stayed silent as Luz watched intently. Squinting as she copied the spell circle. With a final movement Amity disappeared in a flash of light.

Amity reappeared in behind Gus and tapped his shoulder. He let out an unholy scream of terror as he scrambled away. The boy white as a sheet and eyes wide. His mouth opened and closed like a fish.

The squad began to laugh which infected the boy with giggles. After calming down Luz stood up confidently.

"Alright my turn" She exclaimed as she puffed her chest. She had done this a thousand times, learning dozens of spells. With steady hands Luz held the paper, taking a deep breath she tapped the glyph. Light began to spiral out, dancing in the air. Everyone watched intently as the sparks grew brighter. Taking the colors in. Luz's teleportation was not as instant as Amity's. The light consuming her as she began to disappear. The air began to steam as Luz disappeared behind the smoke. And when it cleared Luz was gone, but someone else stood in her place.

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