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Luz sat on a couch in a two bedroom suite. The walls plastered with pictures. The large bookcase in the corner held multiple trophies and medals, the space was illuminated by a massive window. The window still was covered in objects. Baseballs, cups and picture frames sat atop. Luz ignored the clutter and focused on the view as the sun set an unfamiliar pinkish orange. Luz had gotten used to the Isles blood red sunsets. 

'How is this real? Am I really on Earth? Or... is this something more evil?' Luz considered all the different angles. The possibility of being on Earth was 0.01%. She had known that for years. Yet a small part of her wished. Hoped that this wasn't an illusion or a dream. 

During the car ride, Amelia had introduced herself as Lucia's teammate, roommate and girlfriend. 'Lucia.' It felt weird to think about her. Luz had blocked out the memories of her family as soon as she had confirmed the impossibility of returning. She was so young back then so it had been easy. Luz swallowed her sadness as she distracted herself with the photos. Studying the faces and locations in them. Her eyes eventually rested on a certificate in Lucia's name. 

"Lucia studied political science?" She half yelled shocked at Amelia.

"Hrmm? Yeah, my parents said she was too stupid to pass let alone succeed in a difficult course and she wanted to prove them wrong." Amelia answered back as she made her way to the living room. She carried a tray. A sugar pot, two tea cups and snacks rested on the wooden board. One cup was purple while the other was green, both with matching gold streaks. Amelia placed the tray down, but to the teens surprise Amelia grabbed the teapot and green cup.  Amelia walked to window, stopping in front of the cups Luz had seen earlier. Upon further inspection luz realized the cups had been left with purpose. Confused she focused on the two cups. Both had the gold streaks, one blue the other purple. She poured tea into the green cup then placed it onto the window still. With steady hands she picked up a light blue cup, carefully pouring tea ad setting it back down on the still.   Finally Amelia grabbed the purple cup and made her way back to Luz. 

Amelia sat down on the couch opposite of Luz. She poured tea into the purple cup and handed it to Luz. "It's green tea." Amelia said as she slid the sugar pot to the girl.

Luz sniffed the tea, the nostalgic aroma could make her cry. "What are the cups for?" Luz asked as she blew on the tea. Taking her time as to not burn herself. 

"Lucia and your mother. After you disappeared Lucia wanted a way to honor you." Amelia answered as she sipped her tea. "I figured I would leave a cup out for her when she gets back." Amelia's words trailed off as she looked at the cups. 

Luz felt terrible. Knowing she had no such ritual back home. She wasn't even sure if her friends knew she had a sister!

"So... Where have you been?" Amelia asked snapping Luz back to reality.

The teen shifted on the couch. She fiddled with her hands. "You wouldn't believe me."

"Try me." Amelia responded.

"I've been living on a magical island called the Boiling Isles. Where I had numerous adventures..." Luz said awkwardly. She definitely sounded crazy.

"Right... Well I don't believe you. But Lucia just got dusted a few hours ago and you appeared after being missing for 5 years. So sure... magical island it is." Amelia replied trying to break the tension.

"Right." Luz looked at the smiling photos of Lucia behind Amelia. Her eyes drawn to her sister's face. 'Why am I sad? It's not like I missed her.' Luz could feel herself tearing up. She tried to blink the tears away.

In her sadness she didn't notice Amelia had gotten up and moved to Luz's side. Amelia put her hand on Luz's hand in silence. The two sat there, looking at Lucia's pictures.

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