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Amelia woke up at 4:00 AM. She changed into her athletic clothing and slipped her shoes on. The crisp air flowed around her as she ran. Her headphones bobbing to the rhythm of her music. Amelia's steady footsteps echoed against the concrete. Her heartbeat was in tune with her legs. She jogged around the dorm rooms, letting time slip away.

At sunrise she made her way back, walking slowly to her room she sipped her water. But loud noises cut into her downtime.

Camera's flashed as reporters flocked around her.

"Amelia! What can you tell us about Luz Noceda?"

"Amelia! How is Lucia dealing with the loss of her sister?"

"Amelia What can you say about the allegations of you and Lucia Noceda in a relationship?"

The last comment threw Amelia off guard. Her cheeks flushed an unnatural red as she pushed past the buzzards and into the building. Amelia chugged her water as she called the elevator. She stood with her back to the buzzards ignoring their pleas for a statement.

Amelia stepped into the elevator, her phone buzzing from her pocket. Already in a bad mood, she pulled it out and answered the call without bothering to check the ID.

"Hello?" She asked bitterly.

"Where are you?" Bri demanded, her voice a mix of concern and anger.

"Elevator." Amelia spat as the elevator slowed. She tapped her foot impatiently as she got ready to get off.

"Don't get off!" Bri yelled into her phone. Amelia pulled the phone away from her ear as the doors opened. 

Confused Amelia poked her head out and saw more buzzards. They turned their eyes towards her and started rushing down the hall. Amelia zipped back into the elevator and slapped the button. Closing the doors on the flocking reporters.

"How did they get into the building?!" Amelia yelled.

"Connections or as I like to say bribes." Winona said faintly from the other end.

"It's Six AM!" Amelia yelled "almost everyone is asleep."

"Well those buzzards only want to talk to one person, and it just happens that her roomie goes on a two hour run at the same time, everyday." Bri said back simply. 

Amelia froze as the elevator dinged. She kept her finger on the close button. Not wanting to get flocked. She stayed put not risking moving her finger. It might have been another player or another flock of buzzards waiting to ask personal questions.

"Luckily Lucia was chilling in our room. So those idiots are scratching and yelling into an empty room." Bri laughed.

Amelia heard Lucia chuckle from the other end of the line. A sigh of relief left Amelia's body as she pushed the button to Bri's floor. The elevator dinged, Amelia stepped off and walked to room 733. 

But then she heard a rumble, horrified she turned and saw Reporters forcing the fire exit doors open. Like a wave of Zombies crawling over each other to get to the scoop. Amelia ran, she skidded around the corner and dashed to Bri's room. "OPEN THE DOOOR!!" She half screamed into her phone. She heard Winona scrambling from the other end, before the back catcher opened the door. At first confused, but her mouth instantly dropped open in shock. She held the door opened as Amelia slid into the room. Her legs getting mild carpet burn from the ground. Winona slammed the door shut and turned on the electronic deadbolt.

Amelia stayed on the floor, huffing.

"That was pretty badass." Lucia said handing her a glass of water.

"I am never doing that again." Was the only reply from the green haired pitcher.

The buzzards pounded on the door. Their voices crying out questions.

"Amelia Mar! Why are you running?"

"We only have a few questions."

"Just one statement."

The reporters voices echoed against each other as they cried out. All four girls looked at one another before Bri picked up her phone. The pink haired baseman dialed 9-1-1.

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