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The scene shows a man handcuffed to a chair in an interrogation room, four heavely armed guards kept watch over him. Each guard was standing jn the room's corners. The guards's arm trembled being in the mere presence of the man. The man glanced at the guards one by one, which made the guards raise their guns out of fear, making the man smirk. The man glanced up at a small TV attached to the wall, on the TV it showed a giant red dragon fighting a giant knight in dark armor with purple aura, the image changed to a reporter who looked like a bitch.

Katie: "This is Katie Killjoy bringing the news straight to your homes. It's been 24 hours since the catastrophe struck our beatiful planet. Shock and terror are still are fresh in the people's minds as the biggest cities have just started being rebuild. Is still hard to believe that monsters and demons are real, next you are gonna tell me that Heaven and Hell are real! But we got good news! Our brave military managed to capture someone responsible for this incident! Hopefuly we can get some answers and justice! Our intel says that the man is named-"

The door to the interrogation room swiged wide open, revealing a woman in an business suit carrying a folder. She sternly looked at the handcuffed man, who just tilted his head with a care free smirk.

???: "We have a lot to talk about, Duncan Redgrave. So you can make this easy and you can go."

Duncan scoffed, he then glanced at his right forearm, beneath his sleeve something seemed to burn him. He took deep breaths trying to control his bloodthirst.

Duncan: "Or you can cut the bullshit. I know how this is gonna play out, so cut to the chase." He looked at the woman in fron of him with purple glowing eyes.







Duncan: "No matter how much it hurts. No matter how hard it gets, you gotta keep grinding. And this is how we gonna win!" He showed a toothy grin as he loaded a pair of revolvers.

Ashley was right beside him, sharpening her katana. She then looked at her own reflection in the blade, seeing her natural red eyes turn dark blue with black slits.

Ashley: "And whoever gets in our way. May God help them."







Elaine and Derek where standing across a table from Ashley and Duncan. Duncan chose to stand on his feet, while Ashley stood down, leg over leg, and arms crossed to her chest, her expression clearly showing that she was angry. Elaine and Derek couldn't even look their own children in the eyes.

Elaine: "Please, do no give me the face." She pleaded.

Duncan: "What face?" He asked, no emmotion behind his words.

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