Boys Night Out

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3rd POV:

Well, welll, well, we saw what the girls were up to and where it led them, back to the boys. But how did the boys got in the situation that they were in at the moment, that being hammered and wasted that you would start singing while dancing like a ballerina and hanging upside down the ceiling.

Well let's find out now, in this new episode of Dragon Ball Z! How much of a raging sex machine Deadpool can be?!

Wait, what?!

Let's just move on the author is already chasing after the merc with a mouth who messed with the script.


Deadpool: "HEY! I made improvements! Guaranteed to have ten million reads in a day nonetheless! Why can't i get a thank you!?"

Red: "And prey tell, where did you get those 'improvements' you speak of?"

Deadpool: "Just some indian guy on Youtube, don't worry, the video had that 100% thumbnail, but he had no dislike button... nor comment section... meh, maybe it's just a glitch."

Red: *facepalm* "This... is... my life, ugh, i need some coffee... maybe some energy drinks... maybe both... and vodka..."

Deadpool: "Well it would be more easier AND faster to let me help you with the script, just sayin'."

Red: "When Bully Maguire is gonna stop bullying."

Deadpool: "So what are you saying is that you won't let ME help you."

Red: "Yes, now out."

Deadpool: "Hmm, say, don't you think that some of the characters have been too happy -and what are you doing with that shotgun! OH GOD!"


Duncan's POV:

Hmm, i have a feeling that someone is about to die, Wade to be more precise, meh, anyway, where were we? Ah yes, i was on my way to gather my group for our night out, Ashley took the Hellcharger, so... walking it is, i know, but a little walk helps me clear my mind.

Walking down the corridor of the tower, i shortly arrived at the elevator, i pressed the button and waited for a short while for the elevator to arrive, as the doors opened i stepped inside, i pressed the button for the ground floor.

As the doors were ready to close, i heard someone shout to keep the doors open, that person being Winter, sheesh, she fianlly managed to get inside the elevator.

Winter: "Thanks, i thought i couldn't make it."

Duncan: "No problem, but, what's with the rush?", I asked raising an eyebrow.

Winter: "Huff, i have to go on a patrol, lately a group has been ambushing some of the trucks with the materials for the Amity project, ugh, now of all times...", She spoke in a tired and annoyed tone.

So that's why she didn't go with Ahsley and the others, now that i think about it, the Ace Ops have been in the infirmary for a few chapters, guess having those guys out of the picture put all the work on her shoulders.

Duncan: "It really does sound like a problem and since the project is kept in secret, i bet those groups don't even know for what are resources for, this will make the people only more suspicious of Ironwood."

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