Old and New Faces

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3rd POV

In the Beacon Academy, the elevator to Ozpin's office opened showing a team of four girls, Team RWBY.

Weiss: "Ok, i'm gonna say that we are sorry in advance for whatever Yang did

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Weiss: "Ok, i'm gonna say that we are sorry in advance for whatever Yang did."

Yang: "Hey! Why do you think is my fault in the first place?! It's not like i did anything... this time."

Ozpin only chuckled amused, he decided to calm the girls and tell his reason for their pressence.

Ozpin: "As ease girls, you are not here beacause you did something bad."

Ruby: "Oh thank Oum."

Blake: "Then why did you called us here professor Opzin?"

Ozpin: "The reason why called you it's simple, i have a mission for you."

Yang: "Whohoo! So who do we need to beat?!"

Ozpin: "Thankfuly no one."

This only brought confusion to the team RWBY.

Ruby: "Then what's our mission?"

Ozpin: "Simple. You need to bring here to Beacon an individual by the name Duncan Redgrave, the coordinates will be given in the bullhead."

Yang: "Oh gosh darn it and i was expecting some action."

As team RWBY was gonna enter the elevator, Ozpin stopped them.

Ozpin: "Oh! and girls?"

Team RWBY stopped to listen to Ozpin.

Ozpin: "Do not. Under any circumstances provoke him, do not antagonize him and do not anger him. He is someone that i will think at least three times before going against him... good luck."

Team RWBY exchanged looks between themselves as they entered the elevator.

Blake: "Ok... that was strange..."

Weiss: "He spoke like this Duncan should be feared by everyone."

Yang: "Don't know why, but his name sounded familiar..."

Ruby: "I think uncle Qrow mentioned him a few times, but i'm not sure."

Blake: "Well we better get to the bullhead we will know when we get there."

As the elevator came to a stop, team RWBY stepped out, they walked out of the academy and started to made their way towards the bullhead landing site.

Embarking the bullhead, they were given the coordinates for their destination.

Weiss: "Ok, either am i losing it or this says that we are going in the middle of a forest."

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